Last year's goals and 2021

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Tman58, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Tman58

    Tman58 Senior Member

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    Did you have any? Did you achieve them?
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    My goal this year was to either publish my book or get it finished enough to publish soon, and this Christmas I just finished putting together the last important pieces to the puzzle, and got roughly 400 pages close to word perfect and complete. Its a giant multifractal equation, and the mathematics themselves tell me what to write, not the other way around. However, I feel burdened as never before. Mother Nature told me to write the book, and that probably two billion people will die soon, and I've been rushing to write it as fast as can ever since. This year I discovered it is related to our immune system, and I'm starting to feel totally out of my depth, but the words write themselves, and I merely decide when they are good enough to publish, because I can never write all 4,430 poems. They must be published within the public domain, because the computers are about to spit them all out, and governments are already classifying them.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
    Tman58, ~Zen~ and mysticblu21 like this.

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