last night was a hallmark event for me! i got high with my 14 year old brother...he shouldn't have smoked because afterwards he was too high to get by then after he went to sleep i got high with my dad, i've not gotten high with him since i was 14. geez what a great last night i had.
Thats pretty cool. I wish my dad still smoked so I wouldnt have to hide it and shit, and I could just smoke with him.
sweet. i've gotten high with my dad and my little brother as well. only once with my dad and like four times with my brother. the first time i got him high he was only 12 though. maybe not a good move.
It seems like that would be really weird for me.... Probably because my parents are so prudish...and I hardly eat dinner with them, let alone anything else.
Me and my friend were really stupid and we smoked with her 11 year old sister. I'm glad she didn't get high!
I got high with my mom once but that was when I was like 20 already. I don't think smoking with your teens is a good idea. I did when I was younger but now as a parent I'ts not the best choice.
never got high with my parents. get high with my aunt. also get high with my younger sister who is 17.
i would love to get high with my parents but there so anti drug and my brother is kinda too but i think he'll come around eventually.
damn, i wish my parents liked getting high, my mom said she tried it once when she was younger but she puked her guts out(dont know why that would happen), and it would just be weird getting high with my dad...
Were you all just chillin and like "hey lets smoke some pot nigga"? Or was it some like special night or something?
I will smoke with my mom one day, probably after i graduate from college and get a job in which i can support myself.... or maybe over christmas break.
hmm... my parents know i smoke, they've known for years, they dont like it but i mean they dont try to change it... when i ask them what they think is so wrong with it, they pretty much just say, "well its so damn expensive" haha, so basically they dont have a problem with it... but id say it would be weird as hell getting high with them, even if they used to all the time. yeah, it would be way to awkward, and would prolly just ruin my high lol.