Last Night - STD Paranoia

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by libra21, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. libra21

    libra21 Guest

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    Hi everyone,

    I'm someone with very high anxiety, and I did myself no favors last night.
    It had been a bit for me, and more than anything I was curious about the whole casual sex thing, and wondering if I was missing out (NO!)

    I had my first (and only!) one night stand last night with a girl I didn't know. I used protection and well before climaxing I pulled out and she gave me oral.
    Genital to genital was probably only about 5mins.

    I know she is promiscuous, which is what scares me the most. And probably also just not knowing her. At the same time, I know she is careful as far as protection and assured me she gets tested regularly.

    I did notice a couple of red marks in her inner thighs. She is a heavier girl, and told me those were chafe marks.

    Of course I've been freaking out tons. I should have known I would. For the most part reading other peoples' stories online is freaking me out more. If I could find something to worry about it would probably be herpes.

    I wish I could know NOW, but I see that I would have to wait at least 4 or so weeks for the test to show anything (if I did contract anything).

    Any thoughts? Already not sleeping or holding food in :(
  2. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Asking online is not going to make the wait after visiting a doctor any shorter. At best someone might be able to give you some comforting words that will ease your anxiety a little but go to the doctor.
  3. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yea I'm pretty sure you're just freaking paranoid.
  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Thats not exactly what happened though is it, or you wouldnt be so worried
  5. libra21

    libra21 Guest

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    ?? Happened exactly like that...
  6. mudlife73

    mudlife73 Member

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    you need to relax, it's done so if you got something then it's there. As for the red marks a lot of women get ingrown hairs and if she was a bigger girl she will chaffe when she walks.

    A condom won't always stop herpes but at the same time you can catch a lot of crap from the oral.

    just go get tested and wait the time...there is nothing else you can do. If she gets tested on a regular basis and you trust that then relax.
  7. libra21

    libra21 Guest

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  8. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    No reason to be concerned.
  9. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    in my experience ive never met a fat chick with an std....they don't get banged enough....get some sleep

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