NIF fusion breakeven claims peer reviewed and verified by multiple teams ( What the article doesn't say, is the people working at NIF, National Ignition Facility, got to the point where they decided to double the power of the laser setup and see what happens. Laser ignition is also known as "Inertial Confinement" and recent studies have indicated that normal thermodynamics don't apply at extreme temperatures. This article hints that, although they got the result they wanted, it defied their thermodynamics, and they're working on the issue. Lasers of the Star Wars variety have been a priority for over half a century, due to the need for more materials science, but are rapidly becoming easy to manufacture, and relatively portable. Someone at the Pentagon already patented a six foot wide Fussion reactor design, which means you could power all of NYC from the back of a tractor trailer, with three or four inside. The generator from Hell, that can possibly be made desktop sized. They're not radioactive.
Pollywonk s at San Jose, all they need is Field Traps for anti-matter. These are inverted lines that switch magnetic fields between type 1 and type 2 superconductors, like a woman only better
Slow down BECs in laser traps for fusion based on Dark Energy (visa vis Neg Temperatures with hydrogen band on the Kelvin Scale -