My mom was having issues with her laptop, she said it was running slow and wouldn't always connect to the internet. She decided to drop it off with me. I don't know very much about computers so I'm not even completely sure why she'd leave it with me. I couldn't get it to connect to the internet at my house. The laptop was turning on at this point. I kept getting error messages, and I wish I would have copied exactly what they said, but all I can remember is something concerning 'ping' and internal hardware and intel wifi.... I tried a few things after googling on my phone internet, "why won't laptop connect to internet?" I tried turning off the firewall and then I tried doing a system restore. Now, the computer won't turn on at all and it was fully charged... I even desperately took out the battery and blew into it like a nintendo system. Nothing. Anyone know what might be wrong? How can I get the laptop to turn on? I need to figure out that first then work on connecting the internet... I think she's probably gonna end up taking it to geek squad which I need to do with my own broken laptop. I swear, I'm like "Carrie" and when I'm upset, electrical appliances go haywire....
Oh but I love doing business with geek squad. I have a thing for geeks. And idk any mom & pop computer shops.. there are lots of people that fix computers on the side near where I live, I see it advertised, but it seems kind of shady..
What do you mean by won't start up? Is it absolutely a brick. Try plugging it in and see if it will post. Laptop batteries go out after a while, so when it said fully charged, that may mean only fully charged for the life of a dead battery. If that's the power problem, just keep it plugged into the wall and tell her to get a new message. I find it strange that you were getting error messages that said ping. IMCP packets are extremely routine part of the networking stack, but your computer shouldn't ping before a network connection has started, and your computer doesn't usually tell you anything about 'ping' unless you open up the command prompt and tell it to do so. I believe one of two things, either it's some sort of malware interfering with a network connection, or the driver for her network card are bad. The solution is to run antivirus and update the drivers. If you tell me that make and model of the laptop, I'll post a link for you. If you can't get it to turn on, there's some sort of hardware problem beyond the battery, and we can walk you through that as well, but it'll involve opening the laptop up, and you might find it easier to take it to geek squad or some guy in a van or wherever.
Yeah, it's pretty much a brick. No lights or anything turning on, even when I plug it into the charger. The computer is a toshiba but idk the model. I'll check later but I'm about to die for a little while and take a nap..I was just hoping that someone here might know what may be wrong because I didn't wanna tell her that the laptop won't turn on now, when I was supposed to be trying to improve it. x_x sooo I'll probably get blamed for that and might end up paying for two computers getting checked by some geeks..... I just asked my mom if the computer has ever refused to turn on and she said no.. she does always seem to get viruses somehow and ..zzZzzZZzz..
Have you tried removing the battery and power cord and holding down the on button for at least 30 seconds? Leaviing the battery out for while can also help.
Ensure the laptop is turned off. Unplug the laptop's AC power cable. Remove the battery (if the model has a removable battery). Unplug all wires or peripherals. This includes CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, mice, printers, and any other accessories. Hold down the power button for thirty seconds. Reattach the battery. Connect the AC adaptor to the power socket that was confirmed to be working in the first step. Connect the other end of the AC adaptor to your computer. Try starting the computer. found that on Toshiba's site support forum; it sounds like they may have an issue with their motherboards and your problem is far from unique, so mom can't get too mad at you, it's just a coincidence.
So anyway, I did not get blown away. The most likely causes of failure for you now are. 1. Power supply. 2. Power supply Connection to motherboard, if this is it you'll need to solder it to achieve a tighter connection. 3. Motherboard failure. Might as well get a new laptop. I think those are probably in order of likehood and defiantly in the order of easier to hardest to solve. Do you have a multimeter? You can use it to test you power supply to see if it is functional. When you get that sorted out, you'll probably still be looking at problems connecting to the internet, which is probably to to needing to update the drivers, or malware.
Thanks for the help, especially to Lode. I ended up leaving the battery out for a while and then the computer did turn on. I don't think I'm gonna mess with it, guess it probably isn't something I can repair. Though I really wish I could get it connected to the wi fi so I can use the laptop until I give it back to her since my laptop is broken..
I went out to breakfast at a cafe and next door was actually a mom & pop type computer place and they will diagnose it for 45$ and then it goes toward repairs after that so looks like I'm gonna drop my computer off there tonight...
one thing you can try is instead of depending on WiFi just hard connect it to your modem (if you don't have an extra cable to connect it just use the yellow on connecting your Router to your Modem, you are only doing this temporarily to diagnose the problem) If it does work hardwired but the WiFi can't work, while connected to the internet by wire download the newest driver set.