Land and Freedom

Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by GuerrillaLorax, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    The following excerpts are from these texts: Land and Freedom, Permanent Subsistence Zones and Of Martial Traditions.

    A habitat is a territory that provides sources of water and food as well as reliable sources of materials for shelter and heat. Typically it is where you first made love, learned to swim, caught your first fish, and perhaps even fought a battle against a belligerent neighboring group.
    Practically everybody in your community knows the names of the flora and fauna of your habitat, where the berries are, when the birds leave and return. Most inhabitants feel a kinship with the totality of your habitat, not only its flora and fauna, but its weather patterns, rocks, streams and mountains, its unique smells and sounds and the various combinations of them that make the singular music of your home.

    The elimination of the bison was part of a covert policy of the United States government to deprive the indigenous people of their subsistence base, and thereby their base of operation, against the army and settlers.

    The same forces today are used to prevent any possibility of the dispossessed from regrouping and claiming territory within which to live according to principles of mutual aid and organically self-organized subsistence ways. Of course as the earth’s natural abundance is plundered for the market, indigenous traditionalists also have less chance of living according to the old embedded ways. Take note that it was military policy to deprive the resisters of their food sources so that they would lose their base of operations. Doesn’t that indicate that in order for rebels to begin having some success in terms of the social war that they too need to secure bases as they regroup and strategize on how to win a few battles?

    Unless humans begin to live in accordance with ecological principles, that is, in harmony with our biosphere and with eachother, ecological and social collapses appear inevitable. The signs are everywhere: climate change on a global scale, empires aggressively pursuing imperial conquests, the populations of entire nations muted by fear of punishment and numbed by mood altering drugs, planetary domestication and plunder of wild nature, overflowing prisons, astronomical suicidal rates, cancer, extinction, hunger and private atomized existences.

    The ones that inspire me the most are the ones committed to firmly establishing themselves in a specific region. They want to (or continue to) hunt, fish, collect herbs and grow gardens together, share tools and child minding responsibilities, and help clothe and shelter one another using everything from permaculture techniques to re-appropriation. The focus of course must be on access to land that can potentially support these clans and groups which are based on voluntary association, mutual aid and self-sustenance. And as these sustenance zones are nurtured, a general and natural willingness to defend them naturally emerge.

    From South America to South Africa, from Chiapas to India we read and hear about communities that are not only trying to survive, but to create new societies based on anarchic insights. Using diverse tactics, these communities are determined to secede from the nation states that confine and dispossess them.

    Any region can be liberated through a succession of actions, events and strategies based on the conditions unique to it, as the grip of civilization in that area weakens through its own volition or through the efforts of its inhabitants. It would benefit these liberated regions to form alliances or meld in some way, but they might not choose to do so.

    If people want to claim space then they have to be prepared to fight and defend it. This space could be permanent (a liberated region or village) or temporary (squats, wilderness camps, legally and illegally built shelters or autonomous neighborhoods). It could be based in village or regional secessionist movements, access to land by popular movements or indigenous assertion over traditional territories.

    It seems clear to me at least that any successful resistance needs to be organized in a broad way, it needs to be organically self-organized based on entire communities. We should be aiming for a period of regional and village-like secessionist movements. Centralized authority can not control a veritable multitude of rebellious regions, villages, reserves and neighborhoods, each with its own focus, its specific expression of antiauthoritarian self-organization. Also, by collaborating with or at least acknowledging indigenous actions for autonomy and territory, we can be part of something much larger, something quite close generally to what many insurgent communitarians, radical ecologists, anarchists and other rebels are aiming for.
  2. Briana Sugar

    Briana Sugar Members

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    Any examination of western history in regards to how the government deals with such organized resistance in communities is strongly recommended.

    U.S. military has shown a very eager willingness to use lethal and non-lethal violence on its own citizens.

    When you make statements such as "centralized authority can not control...", I believe you think that our military and police forces act through a "centralized" system when really that is only a false perception. The U.S. government has the means to put down any and all such "rebellious" regions with almost zero use of human assets on the ground.

    It would also help if you realized that you are talking about a organization that was created for a culture of murder and mayhem, the U.S. Government, by a culture of mayhem at that time, Europe.

    It is fairly interesting that you would promote such an action.

    The best advice I can give you is literally to: Move away from it all.

    Everything in society, in the media, in peoples work, and daily lives is telling them to seek like vibration people, and not in a city - in other words, get away from the governments. Even the government is spinning this message to the people who are capable of seeing. Every single time they kill someone in that persons home, by mistake, or in that persons car, or you hear something on the news, in politics that makes your pulse rate wobble, you are being told to get away from them.

    What you are really talking about is not a "war on society", or a "war on Jonh Lockean ideals", it is a war on "commerce". Your words speak only to that which impedes commerce.

    Commerce is the Language of Business, economics, and is the true language this country is founded under... Just think of how much of our vocabulary is from "the sea and related to banks".

    Common Law is "Maritime Law (Sea law)... Even our citizen-ship tells us this.

    Self organized communities operating within the confines of their land is the best way to go in the U.S., and if you are south of Michigan, east or west - move North.

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