Ladies, would take/enjoy the opportunity to have sex with other man/men you are occasionally attracted to if your husband/partner was confident in himself, you and your marriage/relationship and was cool with giving you the freedom.
I've had two long term relationships. the first, there was an agreed position that if something cropped up and either of us ended in bed for a quickie with another - no dramas. Don't overdo it, that's all. We both dabbled a wee bit. It was fun! My second relationship was expected to be completely monogamous: that condition was sort of non-negotiable for her. Of the two relationships, knowing that love and commitment were absolute, the first was far more meaningful. Only her passing away ended that relationship. So in answer to your question, no a couple of quickies outside of marriage/relationship shouldn't hurt.
I've been going through this quite recently and frequently. Our latest extra partner happens to be a guy that is new to my work and we are in the same team. I was quite attracted to him immediately and decided to tell my partner who became excited by this. We've had 3soms with other males before so it's nothing new for us. Anyway my boy asked me to pursue it and see if there was any mutual interest which I believe there was I decided to ask him out to lunch one day with my boy. We did this for three lunches over 2 weeks and when we quite sure he wouldn't say no to a 3som we asked him if he'd be interested in having a few drinks with us. He accepted and I flirted a lot with him over the coming week and he took me solo out for lunch with a few drinks included and I basically admitted to him there was more than a good chance I'd end up blowing him at the very least. Finally we had a night planned and after a few drinks in my apartment we decided to hell with the night, the apartment was going to have to do. Rest is history, really but I now have a fun, attractive guy to flirt with at work with absolutely no qualms from my partner. This should be interesting because my partner performs fly in fly out work, 1 month away, 1 month here at a time. That month alone can become quite dull for me and I believe I've found a perfect guy at work for the occasional fun I desire.
It's just that once in a while you come across someone that you feel intense desire and lust for. If your relationship started on the basis that it will be strictly monogamous, it seems so difficult to 'renegotiate' the terms when you are struck by such an overwhelming situation. How I wish I could convince my wife otherwise and for her to understand that just because I have this intense sexual attraction to another woman it doesn't mean I don't love her anymore.
She needs to understand that you can differentiate love from sex and that sex can be a social activity that doesn't have to interfere with your personal relationship. Not everyone is going to understand or agree with that though. It's more common now but many women will want to stay monogamous. If that's the way she feels then that's really it, onus should be on you at that stage whether you stay true to her wishes or you stray to other women on the side.
Do you not worry this may impact your professional relationship at work or has it had any negative side effects at work?
No I don't worry at all and I definitely am not working for who I am to progress my career any further. It's a job that pays alright and that's all that it means to me at the moment. No negative side effects at work either, he's actually quite a switched on guy who makes no mention or notion he's done anything with me at all. I caught up with him outside of work on the weekend for a coffee. My boy is now back at work for a month and I felt like being close to someone and to talk to someone. Nothing happened other than the coffee and at work today if I didn't remember I'd seen him yesterday I wouldn't know any better.