It hasn't occurred to me, but I know a few ladies over my lifetime that it has occurred too, and I'm wondering what were your thoughts and feelings during and after it? Of course, I hope no one is posting in the present tense. You know how it always ends, if you stay... ladies. Love you long time. Goodbye!
Sorry, if I offended anyone. Just wanted to know how it felt. Don't want to put anyone on the spot, or out anyone. It is a hard topic to talk about. I guess it's better suited for selective company.
this forum isnt that active.. takes time.. please dont bump your thread in less than a 24hr period ok . .
I'm not bumping it. I'm apologizing because I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, or within the next few days. If I were to bump it, I would just say, "Bump this". I wanted to say sorry while I know I'm here. Who knows if I'll be here tomorrow or within the next couple of days.
It can happen to men too. But, there is lots out there now, life is changing for women and men, in a violent relationship! You just got to make the move. I'm not a victim..I'm a survivor!
Oh, I know men get physically and sexually violated. But, I wanted to focus on women. How did you feel when you got hit? And I'm glad you got out of it. That's really brave of you.
I don't like to think back, been there with my Councillor, but I will say, it won't ever happen again! You don't need to be physically hurt for a bully to make you feel bad, but I do know one thing, staying because of kids!!!! Wrong! Get out, your doing no good!
Well, thank you for the little bit of replies I did get. Sorry, I didn't get to read them sooner. I thought the thread had died. And Ash, I think you mentioned that guy before on here, a long ass time ago. He was the one who was abused by his parents, so he would not want to be touched, or something. Something was off about his wants and needs in terms of physical contact, but I forgot what you exactly said. But, yea... you mentioned he was abusive. I didn't know he was THAT abusive. That sucks, man, I'm sorry. You're too pretty to deserve that. Overall, I'm sorry again to everyone. I didn't really think the topic would be so hard to talk about, considering all the other topics on here. Come on, how could I have not made that mistake? This forum is crazy, and not becuase of the newbies posting a one hitter, weird thread. I'm pointing at you, regulars. Lol! But, really.. it makes sense how it can be difficult. In my defense, I just wanted to learn how people felt and what they thought during the experiences. Of course the hits and beatings change. They get more intense in nature. Do, the feelings and thoughts change as well? What happenes when it's before marriage, and you marry with those experiences under your belt? What happenes when kids are involved? Is taken as far as sexual abuse? Stuff like that. Not so much getting out. Obiviously, it's best to get out, becuase sooner or later he will kill you. I see now how my questions can come off too revealing. I'm sorry. I just wanted to learn. Sake of learning, you know.
That was a different guy. I dated him in late 2010, early 2011. He tried to be emotionally abusive, but I didn't put up with shit from him for very long. He never laid a hand on me in that way, though. When I was 16, I fell in love with a guy named Matt. Matt was abusive physically, emotionally, and mentally. After I started dating him, it wasn't long before he had turned me against my friends, sister, and soon my parents. I ended up running away in the middle of the night to move in with him. Anyways, I won't get into detail about him, but I will say that I got out with the help of a couple of youth support workers who took me from school during the day, so I could pack my stuff up and collect my cats, and get the fuck out of there while he was at work. A teacher at school had asked me about the bruises on my neck (from him choking me) and I told him everything. He acted fast, and not even an hour later, I was headed home (to the apartment I shared with Matt) to pack up and move out. He stalked me for about 6 months after I left him. The cops got involved at one point, and it got pretty ugly. I had to give one of the cats away, but was able to keep the other. She passed away just over a year ago, while I was on my honeymoon in Bali.