Ladies, what's your favourite perfume you use to get your partner turned on with ? What parts of your body do you use perfume on ?
Ive never used a specific, or any perfume with the explicit intention of getting laid. I honestly dont even wear perfume regularly, and even when i do, i smell like weed and cigarettes more anyhow. When i do bother to wear perfume it goes on the insides of my wrists, between my tits, and behind my ears.
I have a work colleague that wears this all the time and it smells amazing on her. I bought some and hated it on myself so ended up giving her my bottle I love fragrance, for me, not to seduce anyone. My two favourites are Silver Rain by La Prairie and Kiss My Name by Ramon Monegal.
The thing is that I suffer from anosmia, the ability to smell. Therefore, smell isn't one of the ways I seduce guys. Actually, I don't think I even seduce guys. Guys just come to me. Not saying I'm all that and a big of donuts. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying they make the first move, and I go along with it. Basically, there is no seducation going on by either the guy or myself. It just happens, you know? Like we're not expecting anything to happen. We are just talking, and hanging out. Then something happens, you know. Anyways, despite having anosmia... I do enjoy coconut, and unscented things. So, I like to wash my body with unscented things, apply coconut oil on my body, and finish it off with a clean, soft almost unscented prefume. All my perfumes are from Pacifica. I actually just bought a coconut scented one from Pacifica. Super exited to get it in the mail. Yea, it sucks that I can't smell it. But, the aromatherapy of coconut and unscented/clean things still works to make me feel good. Those two are the best smells for me. And yes, unscented is still a scent.
I think a lady's natural scent (clean, but natural) is a much more effective form of seduction. A lot of people don't like perfume, and there is no one fragrance that will "seduce" everyone.
This is why I didn't wear prefume for the longest time. I was afriad that I would offend someone with the prefume, and not know it because I have anosmia. But, Pacifica is a fairly natural and organic brand, so I trust their fragences. Even if someone isn't fond of the prefume I'm wearing from Pacifica, I know they're at least not bothered by it because the brand itself. If that makes any sense. When I was younger I used to wear this body spray that I got from Walgreens. I forgot the brand, but it was called White Musk. I would always get compliments on it. I don't know how white musk smells like, but I would assume it smells natural, like a smell someone would produce themselves. So, that is why I always lean towards unscented, clean, natural scents. It makes me feel good, and I'm fairly sure either someone likes it enough to tell me "Oh, you smell good" or they at least aren't bothered by it, maybe don't even notice it. It's funny sometimes I have gone out without taking a shower, and someone would tell me I smell good, especially if I wear something to expose my back. My back, the back of my neck, and the back of my shoulders seems to be where I produce smell the most. Anyways, all in all I agree the natural scent of someone is the best.
Perfume gives me a headache, and fortunately my husband is not a fan of perfume, either. He likes the smell of certain shampoos in my hair, though. Nexxus shampoo smells tropical and it drives him crazy. I also distain cologne on guys. Makes me want to gag, although I also like smelling clean hair on my husband...rosemary and mint. Mmmmmmm....