I have a new just friends so far girl friend and I give her foot rubs and flat out said I like girl feet but I was just wondering do women normally get a lot of attention to their feet from guys ?
I gotta get Robyn on this forum. She'd brag to you that her wonderful hubby (guess who? LOL) gave her a wonderful, 20-minute long foot massage last night, AND painted her toenails for her! What I got out of it was a good back massage. Which was as sore as hell from moving a bunch of bricks and rocks around at work the last two days since we're building a walkway and water fountain thingie by our entrance. Anyway...yeah, Robby finished the massage with some Tiger Balm, The extra Hot version. Any of you guys ever try TB? It's awesome. used it for years now. Going all the way back to when I played hockey in high school. Cheers.