Ladies: do you prefer alpha men or beta men

Discussion in 'True Love' started by Courtney Green, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. They aren't really a great idea, because people don't behave as animals. In the animal kingdom the alpha male usually rules by sheer brute strength, while the alpha females keep a watch over the flock. In human society it's typically left up to the male to provide this role, however. And maybe that's not such a great thing. Though there are males who are good at it, occasionally, who I would consider alpha, since we can't just simply call the strongest man alive the alpha.
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Labels, just like generalisations, have their use. But the label or generalisation gets often too rigidly applied to define individuals. Hardly any individual fits a label so stereotypical. The ones who do (and these people certainly exist) appear rather caricatural.
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    He's the "leader" of the "free world." Why wouldn't he believe that?

    A prime example of what I meant when I said money being a powerful conditioning agent.

    Labels are useful to an extent, however they tend to be static and in a dynamic and/or emergent world, labels tend to either be overused or applied only to niche phenomena.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    alpha betas:

    Orison likes this.
  5. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Oh i see. So you prefer men like this:

    AnyaZ89 likes this.
  6. Courtney Green

    Courtney Green Members

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    Oh i love your wording here!!
  7. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I don't think this is accurate. Most "beta" men I meet believe they are "alphas".

    I would say this.
    cindy94 and Deidre like this.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Why aren't they called.. Bavo men?

    Gimmie a Zulu man.

    There is no Alpha only ZULU!
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  9. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Yeah, come to think of it...
    Is every person an alpha or a beta?
    Wouldn't the most pathetic ones be omegas rather than betas? Isn't that how we rank wolves? Are there other classifications? Isn't this all applicable to women too because you get alpha females? Question marks x 8
  10. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  11. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    i'm more of a sigma male

    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  12. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Ah. Well there ya go. I think I think of Sigmas as Alphas, but the better ones. I think a lot of people attribute Omega traits to Beta.

    I also think there are plenty of men who don't fit any of those descriptions, either because the whole thing is stupid or the descriptions are actually more complex and varied.
    Eric! likes this.
  13. There are a variety of lists on this subject matter. Some substitute delta for sigma. But not along these same stereotypes. Some say that alphas are the "bad boys" which is why you probably think of sigmas as alphas.

    We only think in terms of alphas and betas because the whole thing is concocted by very stupid beta men who want to be alphas. The whole notion of a real hierarchy of men hasn't been examined or verified. It's asinine. Beta is just a way for delusional dorks to put other males down. They've given no consideration to the possibility of an actual hierarchy because they're not intelligent enough to do so.

    A true hierarchy would have very little to do with popularity among women. Women are fickle and flighty and not good judges of actual character. True character has little if anything to do with what most women view as sexually appealing. The above chart was clearly compiled by just the sort of beta man I have previously described.
  14. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Alpha/beta aside women prefer rich successful men because like a moth to a flame they’re attracted to power
    StellarCoon likes this.
  15. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I think you are correct in your judgements, from the perspective of it being about sex.

    But I didn't really think of it in terms of popularity among women. There would be the whole "hunting" aspect too. Or war. Or on a building site. It's the hierarchy that develops in those situations that I'd see as what counted. An Alpha wouldn't beat up all the other men, he'd gain their respect by being capable and clever. THAT makes him attractive to women, but the women don't define his position.
  16. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I have no particular attraction to money or power. I want to achieve my own money and power, if anything : )

    I also still don't think this all applies only to men. Women have heirachies too. One of the things I like about the women on this site is that they don't seem to be playing much of that game. It's nice.
    Asmodean and Meliai like this.
  17. More than anything, they're attracted to ego. There are exceptions, of course. But generally they follow like lemmings, and assume that if someone is rich and successful, they must be a great person, and develop all of these flighty ideas about men. The truth is that there are seldom few good men, but they could actually give two shits about that. That's where money comes into play, because even if they're wrong, at least they're rich.
  18. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I guess even if my man was rich I wouldn't feel that made me rich. So why would I look for rich men.

    The MOST IMPORTANT thing about a man if that he smells nice without using scented anything. And second most important he is not an idiot. Money is way down the list, and only in so far as I don't want to have to support HIM.
  19. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Anyway the whole thing is dumb. Good conclusion. Heirachies are for the unevolved.
  20. Like I said, money is secondary. Ego is the most important thing. But lots of girls, if you have money, they assume there's a good reason for you must be really terrific. But you can be the scum of the earth and have a huge ego and there will be a woman in the wings for you. Is it insecurity? Perhaps. Maybe it has a lot to do with sex, and women liking a "confident" man, ie a man with a big ego, because they figure he'll know how to pleasure them sexually.

    A lot of men will also fake having a big ego to try and seduce women, to make up for a something lacking sexually. And it'll work up until the last second.

    It's all just so typical and predictable. It bores me.

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