When it comes to approaching women, what advice would you give me when I lack the confidence necessary to make it happen? There have been several situations in the past few months when I'd see a woman that I'm attracted to and I could not bring myself to approach her. I would feel my heart beating in my throat. Even when, as I look back now, there were subtle signs that she was giving letting me know that she wanted me to approach her. But once the situation has passed I go into the "what if" thoughts in my head and that drives me nuts. So I started doing some research to find out what other men I'm my situation did and/or how they handled not having the confidence to approach women. Even though my eyes are opened somewhat I still need some advice?
if you have the balls to create accounts just to spam web forums, you should have no problem approaching women.
You’re asking advice about women on a forum with a bunch of dudes who have no understanding of women .
OK--if this is spam--that's the way it goes. If not--take this=They are just people , you know. Not some mysterious tribe of frightening folks just waiting for men to approach them so that they can gleefully cut /humiliate them. You are correct though--it is about you. I'm not so perfectly formed that I don't see your dilemma. Seems like several hundred years since I had to deal with the trepidation regarding your point. I don't know, man--you get older and so much falls by the wayside that was sooo- important in youth. Rejection never hurts long and can lead to learning experiences. Anyway--go for it.
So true. That I why I feel that most successful relationships start in the workplace (or even while out shopping) where people see each others in their true colors. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a person is trolling. Trying to find an answer on subjects such as this on youtube will lead you to the biggest pile of rubbish on the planet. Perhaps posting this question as a new member, without knowing anything about the members posting replies was not such a good idea.
You gotta show them your "package". It really works. Make sure they can see the lining through your pants, talk them up a little, and bam you got pucci for the whole weekend!
i stopped carrying a wallet at all a couple years ago. i still have it, but it's usually not on my body anymore, because it's just not comfortable. i really don't get how women carry purses around. hell, i even stopped carrying my car keys recently. at this point i'm down to just my phone. and i catch myself leaving that behind more and more too.