I've been with my wife for about 11 years but only married five of those years. I'm 61, I have diabetes which affects my sexual performance. I have no problem getting hard but struggle to cum. I've talked to doctors and my diabetes is in much better control. The fact that I rarely cum without manual help from my wife makes her think that she doesn't turn me on enough which is silly cause I find her ver sexually attractive and want her all the time. I think part of the problem is that I was a touring rock musician for many years and well, I lived the rocker live which means lots of sex, drugs and rock n roll. I told her that I was wild and that I even went to singers clubs with my ex wife. Now I regret telling her this as she was much more conservative when it came to sex and usually was just with boyfriends and mostly just missionary. I feel like she feels like she is not up to what I was used to which is rediculous. It's a bit frustrating because I feel like she thinks it's her causing me not to cum when it's really a physical thing. I'm 61 and she is 65 and looks great. I know sex can slow down with age but I don't want to to happen only on my birthday or Xmas. So, just had to get this off my chest and hope someone has some words of hope for me.
Well, don't give up! Does weed help? Sometimes anti-depressants make orgasm difficult. Find what works for you and stick with it - and keep her interested. You might have to think outside of the box, vibes, more oral, etc. Doctors have heard it all, see what he thinks about it, it's talked about every day there.