Labor stories

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by Maggie Sugar, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Vendaga

    Vendaga Member

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    I have two wonderful boys. Both pregnancies were considered high risk. I have endometriosis, and we weren't sure for a long time if I'd even be able to conceive or carry to term. I had a miscarriage when I was very young, and then it took about four or five months of trying to get pregnant with my first son. I had a cervical infection for almost the entire nine months of that pregnancy, and therefore wouldn't dilate. He was born in mid-April, and I started having "Braxton Hicks" contractions two weeks before he was born. It was the day before Easter that year actually. I put Braxton Hicks in quotes because for two weeks I had constant regular contractions. Every two minutes I had a contraction. I would see my doctor on Wednesdays where she would firmly say that I was only 1 cm dilated, and the baby wasn't going anywhere. Then I would go into the hospital a couple days later because the pain was getting worse, and the nurses all thought I would give birth within 12 hours. They were always shocked when the doctor would say no send her home. Every time I left my nurses assured me I would be in there later that night or the next day and give birth. On it went. Finally I started having cramping that didn't feel at all like the labor pains I had been feeling. My stomach tightened and just felt sore all over, and I thought I was going to puke; my temp shot up to 101.5 degrees. I called the doctor who told me to get to the hospital as fast as I could. Where they started an IV (which I wasn't happy about, the absolute worse thing about giving birth), I was put on antibiotics and pain meds. Again the nurse assured me my baby would be there soon. She predicted with in 6 hours. But the pain meds slowed the contractions; my doctors thought on this matter was okay send her home. Thank Goddess my nurse fought for me. She said at this point they had to keep me in for overnight observation anyway, and since I already had the IV in why not just start me on pitocin. For those of you who don't know that's a labor inducer. All night my contractions steadily got stronger, and closer together. My fiance, my mother, and my cousin, who is my oldest son's God Mother or Goddess Mother depending on your religion were all stayed with me. When my doctor finally showed up in the morning, they were back to two minutes apart, but I still wasn't dilating. She broke my water to see if that would speed things up, and man did it. I believe she broke my water at something like 10 or 11 in the morning. Now another point to make "technically" a woman is not in active labor until she starts dilating. She is considered to be having Braxton Hicks contractions until the cervics starts dilating. So all this time I still wasn't in "active" labor; well until she broke my water. My cousin left at this point for awhile. After my water broke my contractions steadily got more painful. I had back labor, which is kind of like having your spine pulled out through your belly button. No fun at all, and I was trying to limit my pain meds, and have absolutely no epidural. So as my pain increases the nurses keep asking me do I want my epidural yet. As if there's one with my name on it just waiting for me. Nope didn't want one, I kept my breathing steady. Every time I had a contraction I looked at the clock, In for 5 seconds out for 5 seconds, repeat. Well I don't actually know how long this all took, because once you're in labor time is no longer really a factor. So at some point, the pain gets so bad, I just forget the breathing exercise, well not so much forget as they're just not working so I just start screaming at the top of my lungs. It was shortly before this my cousin returned. My nurse comes in and tells me I need to stop screaming, because I'm not getting air if I'm screaming. So I start breathing, and I think I'm taking slow deep breaths, because again when you're in labor you can't really figure out time, and at this point I had forgotten the clock completely. She asks if I would like the epidural, well no I still wouldn't, but when can I have another dose of the IV meds, oh not for another hour. GRRRRR. she checks my dilation, and says "you're only 6 cm dilated you're going to be in labor for at least another 6 hours" Well that was it I was not going to be in this much pain for another 6 hours give me the epidural, The nurse looks at me, and says "are you sure you want the epidural" No I'm not, in fact I don't want the epidural but I can't go through this any longer. So she calls the anesthesiologist, and starts prepping me for that wonderful epidural every one has been telling me to get since I was five months pregnant. My mom after hearing that I'll be in labor for another 6 hours, and seeing as my cousin is there says she'll be back later, and she's going home for a shower and a little nap. My says as she was leaving my room she was apologizing to everyone she saw for my screaming, saying it was my first kid. And I do vaguely remember my mom asking me to stop screaming during my contractions or I was going to scare the other women in labor. So as they're prepping me for the epidural, I start having this very intense need to push, and I'm doing everything I can not to, because I had been told not to push until the doctor tells you to. My nurse seeing me dance in the bed, says you are going to need to be still when we put the epidural in; to which I replied "I . . . feel . . . like . . . I . . . need . . . to . . . push . . . but . . . I . . . know . . you're . . . not. . ." she cut me off, no if you fee like you need to push go ahead and push. FEW. I push through a contraction, no more yelling now, and after it's done she checks me, yes I'm actually crowing now. Well, now she's on her pager phone thing to the nurses, and nurse techs, and my doctor, get here, get here now. After another contraction they decide my doctor is not going to make it in time, and pull the doctor in from the next room who was just in to check his other patient. Apparently my doctor was in the nurses lounge talking to some nurses until someone walked in and said Hey I think that's you're patient delivering in there. Hello, his name is something I'll never remember because I was busy pushing out a baby when he introduced himself, and he caught the babies head. At which point my actual doctor walks in to deliver the rest of my son. Who was born at 1:06 in the after noon. A few minutes after my sons entered the world the anesthesiologist walked in to give me my epidural. I went from 6 cm dilated to fully delivered with in 15 minutes, my mom had only just left the parking lot, when she got a call that her grandson had been born, and 6 hours later the nurses are still talking about how amazingly fast I delivered.

    My second son was not really much different. Again a high risk pregnancy for different reasons this time. My amnio fluid refused to regulate the entire time I was pregnant. It would be way low one week, way high another, and perfect yet another. So once a week I saw my regular OB/GYN, a completely different doctor this time, and once a week I would see a high risk specialist. My blood pressure also kept going up through out the pregnancy but I never had any protein in the urine. Two weeks before I delivered I fell down a set of porch stairs, and spend the night in the hospital having contractions, on IV fluids to bring up the amnio fluid; which ould hopefully stop the contractions. I should say that the doctor who saw me that night, said that I was at the stage of my pregnancy that they could not induce me because it would still be high risk, but that I was also to far along that if I was having contractions they couldn't actually give me any medicine to stop the contractions because the baby was viable. Also, they had to call in the anesthesiologist to get the IV in my vein, after three nurses blew out five veins trying to get one in. The contractions stopped I was sent home the following night after 24 hours of observation. So on a Monday morning exactly a month before my due date I see my high risk specialist who tells me my amnio fluid is so low, and my pregnancy is far enough along that he wants to induce me Wednesday if my amnio fluid hasn't gone back up. I should take the next few days very easy with my feet up, and drinking plenty of water. Later that same afternoon I go in to see my regular OB/GYN, who says my blood pressure is so high I need to go into the hospital and have it monitored while they do a stress test. So I get to the hospital they hook me up to all the same machines. My nurse gets me some water, and after awhile has me try to go to the bathroom to check to see if there's any protein in my urine. So while I'm in the bathroom, my water breaks. Man did everyone of the nurses on duty that night freak out. They rushed me into a room, this time given my past history with the IV they only blow out two veins before calling the anesthesiologist, and tell me given the speed of my last birth I'm not allowed to get out of bed until after the baby is delivered. They called the NICU to be on stand by for a preemie, and mean while I'm thinking to myself: you guys know the high risk specialist was going to induce me Wednesday right that's only two days away. So now come the absolute best part of the story, well my favorite part anyway, while the anesthesiologist is in the room putting in my IV my nurses says, "I know you didn't have an epidural with you're last delivery, do you even want to sign the waiver for one this time?" and before I can answer the anesthesiologist says, "No she doesn't." Love it. My water broke at 4:55 pm, and my labor went pretty steady from there; every half hour I dilated half a cm. But when I have a contraction the baby's heart rate drops, so they have me lay on my side, and put an oxygen mask on me. At about 8:50, maybe 8:45 pm my nurse checks me and says I'm 6 cm dilated; my then husband (it's been two years we were married shortly after our first son was born) decides that given how my labor has been progressing he's going to go outside for a cigarette. Shortly after he leaves I start having the strong contractions where I forget how to breath, luckily this time I have a good nurse, who holds my hand, and coaches my breathing during my contractions. She checks me again and yep I'm fully dilated. Quick on the phone she gets to the NICU, and my doctor, get everything in here now the baby is coming. After she makes that phone call, I have another contraction, and out comes the baby's head. Remember at this point it is still just me and my nurse in the room. The NICU nurses arrive with a special bassinet as my sons head comes out, and my doctor arrives to deliver the rest of the baby. He was born at 8:56 pm, exactly 4 hours and a minute after my water broke. The didn't even have time to drop the lower end of the bed down. I delivered him practically directly onto the hospital bed. My husband arrived back in the room as they were cleaning the baby up, and after they had already finished all the after birth stuff with me. I'll probably never let him live it down. My son spent 6 days in the NICU, and had some breathing problems, jaundice, and some weight gain problems at first, but is now a happy healthy 3 year old.
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  2. HappyHardcoreHobbit

    HappyHardcoreHobbit Member

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    So many beautiful stories. I'm 4 months pregnant and rather emotional, but every story I read brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing everyone. :)
  3. TheMistress

    TheMistress Senior Member

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    I have one sweet baby boy and this is our labour story:

    A few days before the big day I started to feel really ill, and became lightheaded so I called my midwife. She told me that often women will experience flu-like symptoms days before the big day and not to worry.

    I suppose I had what they call "nesting" because I started cleaning and organizing and washing everything! One day I walked up and down the stairs so many times with loads of laundry that when I started to feel labour pains I thought I had just been doing too much that day.

    So it was September 11th around 5pm when my aunt and uncle showed up to put the crib together. I told my aunt I wasn't feeling well and when I went to the washroom I saw what they call the bloody show.

    For some reason I was in denial about being in labour... maybe because my due date was September 20th and I was told in your first pregnancy you are often late. I was still in denial when my aunt mistakenly sent me a text message that was meant for my cousin proclaiming "She's going to have the baby tonight!"

    I called my midwife and told her about my symptoms, she asked me to time my contractions like we had talked about, I did it and reported back to her one hour later telling her that they seemed irregular. She told me to take a bath, relax, and try to get some rest.

    At around 10:30pm I called her back and told her that the contractions were now 4 or 5 minutes apart. I had previously discussed having a home birth, but now she was asking me to come to her office right away which was about one hour away.

    I called my mom and her and her boyfriend came to pick me up and drive us all to see my midwife. The car ride was extremely unpleasant and my mom's poor boyfriend was speeding all the way there.

    Upon arrival she checked me and said that I was 9-10cm dilated. She hooked up the gas tank and let me breathe in some sweet oblivion while my partner and I decided what to do. The midwife said I could give birth at her office but I would have to wait for her partner to arrive and she wouldn't get there for at least 45mins or we could go to the hospital and a nurse could assist in the delivery.

    By this time I was in lots of pain and just wanted to end the whole experience so I decided to go to the hospital. It was only 5 mins away so we were about to drive, but just when I stood up to go my waters broke. The sensation actually felt good, but a few seconds after was when the real pain began. This was around 11pm.

    Now, I ended up taking a dramatic ambulance a whole five minutes to the hospital to avoid the signing in process and to avoid giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital. As they wheeled me towards the hospital room I asked if it was too late for drugs, the ambulance driver said yes it was, I pointed at my midwife and said I AM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN. They put me in my hospital room and I was told not to push. They gave me the gas again and I breathed deep.

    Finally it was almost midnight and I was allowed to push, my midwife's partner had arrived. She came and told me "Hey, I hear you labour like a champ!" They were coaching me through the contractions. A nurse was yelling questions at me, I still can't understand why someone would distract you at such time. She asked me if I had taken drugs or alcohol during my pregnancy and I yelled back "why is she asking me all these stupid questions?" Finally the nurse stopped and left me to try and push my baby into the world.

    I remember looking at the clock and waiting for midnight to pass, I didn't want our son to be born on 9/11. As soon as the clock past midnight I started to give it my all, but nothing was happening. I asked my midwife about a million times when this would be over, she just kept saying sweety you're doing a good job keep going.

    When I was pregnant and reading a book called Hypnobirthing I thought hey, labour is going to be a piece of cake. I do yoga, I meditate. I'll be able to breathe the baby down and out into the world without breaking a sweat. But that's not what was happening and I didn't even have time to think about that fact in the moment I just went into panic mode, the pain is something that just takes over you. I do believe that people can have a successful hypnobirth, however, you must prepare. Years of yoga and meditation is not sufficient preparation for birthing. And you need to have someone with you, practicing with you, to remind you of what to do when that panic strikes.

    Finally at around 12:30am the midwife explained that its hospital policy to call in the OBGYN now that my waters had been broken for almost two hours and still no baby. The midwives told me that the OB would come and assess the situation. The likely scenario would be that she would offer assistance, in the form of either a vacuum or forceps. They told me that I should choose the forceps. I felt defeated. I was proped up on the bed trying to push the baby out before the OB arrived, the midwives were sitting rather far away, just watching me and my partner was just sitting with them and I remember thinking they had failed me. Why the hell weren't they beside me helping me!? I'm exhausted, the baby isn't coming and no one is helping me!!

    The OB arrived and she told us that the baby was OP, meaning his head was down but he was facing outwards instead of inwards towards my back and that is why I was having so much trouble. She also decided that he was too far down to be turned and too far up to use forceps. She asked me how I was doing and I was almost in tears, I told her I was exhausted and I couldn't push any longer. My contractions felt like they were not as strong anymore. She had to do something to help me. I begged her to help me, I just wanted this to end, I had run out of steam.

    She offered a c-section. I signed the paper, the signature didn't even look like my own. I asked how long until I could be in the operating room. HALF AND HOUR no way I can't wait. Gas mask again, but that sweet oblivion just wasn't coming.

    They brought me into the operating room and my partner was being preped to accompany me. I kept asking for my partner, I didn't want them to start without her. I was scared, I've never had an operation before. The nurses wanted me to remove my nose ring, but I explained that its not easily removed, they continued to pressure me into removing it but I told them I would not take it out because of spiritual beliefs. Finally they let me keep it in.

    Before they operated, the OB talks about my situation and asks if anyone in the room has any objections to the operation. In her speech she said I was 20 years old, when I am actually older, so I immediately corrected her and said 26. It was important to me that she get my age right. I think that I look young for my age and people would assume I was a young mom. And since people are tending to have babies later in life, 26 is considered young. I felt judged when I was pregnant. And I was being judged by that nurse who asked if I had taken drugs or alcohol during my pregnancy. Maybe I was judged for being young or looking young, maybe it was for my hippie appearance, maybe it was because my partner is a woman. Maybe its a combination of all 3. Whatever the reason I'm about to be a mom so I have to stand up for myself and my family starting right now! When the OBS said, yes, sorry, 26, not much different from my age. I felt good.

    When I was given the epidural, what sweet relief that was. I never thought I would be so happy as to get a needle in my back.

    Finally at 3 in the morning my perfectly healthy baby boy was born.

    My partner left to follow the nurses our baby. I had to remain in the operating room until I could move my toes an prove to the nurse that the epidural was wearing off. It seemed to take forever, but finally I was taken to our room and reunited with the little man I had only seen briefly in the operating room. I took him and placed him at my breast. He latched on and drank. At around 5am we all rested.

    I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, which is just policy for a c-section. I was totally unprepared. I hadn't packed a bag since I thought I would be going home the same evening. My mom went out and bought a few things for baby and I.

    The next day the OB came and offered me morphine for pain, she promised that it would not affect the baby but I still refused. She kept sending me a Tylenol-Ibprofen mix but I wouldn't take it either, until the pain really started to settle in.

    My midwife came and explained that the OB who attended my birth was not one to offer c-sections easily, so I shouldn't feel bad for having taken her offer. She also explained that if I had given birth before I might have been able to push him though in that position but since it was my first time my pelvis was too narrow. In the old ages women in my situation would have been left to try pushing until either the baby came out or we died.

    I had imagined a very different birth for my son. I was and still am disappointed I guess, I wanted to be that tough momma who did it all natural with ease but in the end all that's important is that he is healthy and happy.

    We are both still healthy and happy together 4 months later.
  4. CandiiRainbow

    CandiiRainbow Member

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    First baby, born 1.june 2010, named Bergros AuĂ°ur (Bergros is a flower)

    Baby no2
    Born 6. november 11.28pm

    Planned homebirth with the assistance of my boyfriend (Gudni), our 2,5 year old and a homebirth midwife (but she didn't make it in time)

    We were putting Bergros to sleep around 9 but she just didn't want to go to sleep, she never acted like this, she usually just goes to sleep, after an hour of her dad reading to her and trying to get her to lie down I went in and told him to stop, I had just started to get contractions and thought it was time, so she happily ran to the sofa and Gudni started making everything ready, filling the birthing pool with water and I walked around
    Bergros walked with me, held my hand and said "its okay, the baby is coming and will be here soon" "its okay, Bergros has got you mommie" and other similar things and Gudni kept on asking me how I felt, stroked my back and if I wanter something
    Bergros stroked my back and held my hand when I threw up in the toilet and ran and got me my water bottle and kept saying that she was so good and helpful and I off course told her that too

    After an hour of contractions this was definitely happening now so we called the midwife telling her that I was having contractions and she said she'd be here in about 20min

    I went into the bathroom to throw up and Bergros came with me, she stroked my back and said "its okay to throw up because the baby is coming and its gonna be ok" but then I felt the little one coming, so I called Gudni and he said he was coming and while he was saying it my body pushed and the water
    broke, I could feel the head with my hand and my body was trying to push again but I was trying to stand up (like that was going to happen)
    My body then told me to push, I was still trying to stand up and go to the sofa, but I couldn't stop it and the push came so I let it come and with it came the whole head, Gudni was then walking into the bathroom and I called out that he would have to run in and catch the baby because it was coming NOW, and he ran in, Bergros stroked my back and told me it was almost over and I felt the next push coming, so I relaxed, breathed and let my body do its thing and with that one push the baby was born, into the arms of my dear Gudni, who was so filled with love and surprised at how fast everything happened
    I kissed Bergros, told her that she did it, she helped mommy get the little baby and she was so helpful, she smiled, held my hand and looked at her little newborn sibling
    I then stood up, lifted my leg over the umbilical cord and Gudni put the little one in my arms and I walked over to the sofa with Bergros with me
    Gudni had made a nest in the sofa where we 3 cuddled together, he then asked if I had lifted the blanked and seen if its a boy or a girl, which I hadn't even thought about yet so I did and found out I had 2 beautiful little girls, Bergros stroked her little sister as she latched on and Gudni went to clean up most of the mess in the bathroom and then the bell rang, the midwife was here and she had just been about 15 minutes on the way !
    Silly little girl just couldn't wait anymore ;)

    She was born 11.28, just before midnight the day before my due date
    Didn't hurt a bit and was the most wonderful and magical moment in my life <3

    A few days later she got the name Agnes Eik Eldlilja (Agnes Oak Tigerlily) :)
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  5. thereader1011351

    thereader1011351 Members

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    i am inspired by all of your stories. My story is not as intense as a lot of the people in this forum. But i was homeless a few years ago. My mother moved away 15 years ago, and my father died 18 years ago. As you can imagine i was looking for a new family ever since the reality set in that all my family is living their own lives with out me. My father was the closest friend i ever had and since he been gone I've had no one to share my ideas with. it was so lonely until the day i met my girlfriend. She was so awesome, nice, and beautiful. She was indeed the total package. I thought everything would be great from theta day until the day we had our first and only child. It was a joyous day for me but for her it didn't seem so joyous. After 6 months went by, we tried our best to work things out but we could never see eye to eye. We both knew it was not good for us to be arguing in front of our baby so much so we started not communicating at all. One morning I woke up to a letter saying she was leaving me and our child because she was not ready to be a parent. I thought it was a practical joke at first, but when she was gone for two weeks straight o realized that this was really happening to me. I was hurt and confused at first, but then i had to pull myself together for my child. One of the things that been helping me pull through the most is the e book
    This book keeps my child occupied and the author of this book is starting a foundation for people that experienced the same distress that i have. o please help support people who are supporting less fortunate people with your support.

    pleas respond if you experienced something like this..
    I need all the advice i can get.......

  6. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Interesting that someone bumped this thread right now. In a couple mins (when I sit back down) I'm going to read some or all of this thread...and check that I haven't already posted my first story of the labor or my son... and if I haven't, if I have time I may post it. But anyways, it's interesting to me that this got bumped since I'm currently 38- soon to be going on 39-weeks pregnant right now.... so it'll be anytime....
  7. Luna Lovesong

    Luna Lovesong Members

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    all of my deliveries were interesting!!
    my first child came 5 days after i turned 15, i had the midwife strip my membranes then i went to high school all day and informed my teachers i was having a baby. none of them believed as it was my first and i was so young. then after school i went on a walk, skipped an ultrasound for a pedicure and did some ball exerises. lost my mucous plug and was told, don't worry itll be hours!!! well 11 minutes later at 7:59pm i had my first contraction. my dad wanted to go to a different town to get a different vehicle and maybe go out to eat, but first we went to the liquor store (yes that happened) before my dad could finish paying i had no time between contradctions. raced to the hospital running lights and honking like a maniac my dad dropped me in front and my mom came up with me.. no one knew my name they kept calling me version of the name my mother gave me that simply was not something i was called, i said its time to push, they said no way i just went into labor, i had at least 2 hours, then she stuck her fingers up there and said oh! yes hunny next contraction push!!! at 9:49pm i had him in my arms my midwife missed it my doula missed it my dad almost missed it, i was crowning when he finally got to my room

    my daughter wasnt much different, her dad was messed up, he was puking drunk and stupid stoned. i, pissed off, and 3 weeks away from my due date went on an anger walk. then defiantly went home and masturbated(he didn't approve and if he ever found out would have thought it cheating) the orgasm sent me into labor and my contractions were 2 minutes apart. i had to drive myself, him and my younger cousin to the hospital. i got in there and contractions stopped. my mom showed up (now a certified doula) and stayed up all night with me, finally at 9:47am the next day i gave up and took the pitossin i went to go pee so i wouldn't pee where her dad could see ( i am a month away from 18 at this point) and went into full fledged labor, i say its time to push, midwife doesn't think i have had enough contractions to go from the 3cm i was to a full 10 to push, so she sticks her fingers up there and whaddya know it was time to push at 10:29 she was in my arms

    my youngest..well i was in contact with my sperm donor and his wife, so they were there. my mom was there and her and sperm donor hadn't spoken politely in over 20 years at this point AND i had 2 lovers who knew the situation and no one knew who the father was plus i was at a university hospital so there were like7 students in the room too, it was a party. all i remember is feeling homicidal to everyone around me and the doctor saying it would be another few hours. then according to the people around me, my head spun around i went up on my toes and fingertip and crawled on the ceiling. lol no they say that but what really happened is i was 3 doses of pitossin in because being in the same room with both of my parents was simply too awful to handle and the contractions got to me, i called for my mommy and told the doctor to quit being a fucking idiot and let me push. she wouldn't let me, she said you gain a cm per hour with regular contractions and mine weren't regular. i tried to tell her they never fucking have been but no one listens to the person in labor, that's why i had a doula. Because my water had broken over 15 hours before they had a fetal monitor on and when the contractions got too bad they couldn't keep the monitors on and the doc says, well ill just put one on babies head from the inside, sticks her fingers in and says oh shit time to push and twenty minutes later there he was. he was special because within 3 hours of delivery i was in the OR getting a tubal ligation. i decided that 3 kids from 3 different people at 22 was more than enough.

    i should add i only had phentinol in the final stages of my third. other than that i did no pain medication. my mom and nana were doulas which if you don't know, are advocates of natural birth, i asked for an epidural each time the head was about to pop out and told it was too late. i should also add that the phentinol did absolutely fucking zero to help. but at least i can say i did it twice without pain drugs...which now that its over is the time, not so much

    before anyone hates on me, which happens when you admit what i just did online. i still have all of my children with me, i never lost any of them, their dads are still very much a part of their life and limited only by me for my kids mental health (trust me that's a story not meant for here) and i ultimately married my youngests father. i am not some ho either. my first kid was the only fuck up on my part (rhythym method) but my daughter was a depo condom baby and my youngest was a condom baby. i only moved back home because my mom and dad divorced and she needed help i really am just a fertile myrtle, and a great fucking mom. as far as the paternity of my baby, that was a completely agreed to arrangement between the 3 of us and we all lived in the same house together and the guy who wasn't the father was ultimately my husbands best man at our wedding and his new gf was a groomsman and chose the stripper for the bachelor party because we are still friends, so really it was a consensual agreement between adults.
  8. Bluejeansguy

    Bluejeansguy Member

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    Wow, since I joined around early 2003 I think, this very cool and most useful side on life matters has aways supported freedom of life's, daily life (if that makes sense) or my spelling is crap!, which it is anyway. But reading a lot of what I fine are very good views members are happy to write about here. Its tells of young and not so young people stories of helping keeping life going. Remember our mum telling us when we was sort of old enough to know what our mum like many many other mums , which putting in right text off order, should I guest read, 'would be, mums'. Won't go on about the mums to be, the nine months of really hell more that fun. Yeah guest part of that few months hell it could be said to those couples, seeking friendship, and enjoying what at the time was really cool friendship ............leading, I guess to what we all know well, was helping keep life happening. I say well done well to both of them................Life goes on....................
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "Oooops--I don't think that's his head!" Not real good to hear from my position behind her. That was our #1 son we had at home and his little butt came out first. I'll never forget the look on the midwifes face when she realized his position. Her first breach. She recovered quickly, went to work to get him out and out he came, with no damage done. Son #2 slid out with no probs, as did daughter #1.
    The ex was/is tough. Real tough. With son#1, she was riding her bike around the hills of Lincoln City without a care or a pain at all--the day of his birth. She felt it was time, came home ---had herself a baby. None of that screaming and carrying on that is shown in the media---lucky for her she was so strong.
    I'm not denigrating the difficulties and pain that many go through---just stating the facts of our experiences.

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