Kurds kicking jihadi butt bigtime...

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by oscar2u, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    The USA seems to have lost it`s way but the Kurds have not. Do recall: It was Kurds that led the attack into Saddam`s Iraq. The footage of US Special Forces way behind as Kurds led the charge. These people are something else. Both the men and the women.
    Here is an instructive video on how to deal with ISIS forces and other jihadis:


    The USA had best remember who their true ALLIES are. ...Oscar
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  2. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    Yes watch that video and read the comments in response. Many if not most of those comments are by US military people who served and fought with these Kurds. The sort of comments from the sort of people I respect as opposed to some air head politician who has NO idea what to do. There is NO talking to these Jihadi assholes. You take them on and kill them. That they understand and the Kurds know that language well. Do note the ISIS forces bypassed Northern Kurdish controlled areas in thier march through Syria and Iraq. Kurds fighting in Syria as reported by the BBC here:


    As so very many of the US veterans of this ongoing conflict do state one way or another: The Kurds are the people who deserve our [ the USA`s ] support for all the reasons discussed by said veterans of this ongoing war against jihadis that hate them [ the Kurds ]and NEVER forget the USA also. Obummer stirred up a hornet`s nest with his so called " Arab Spring " policies. The entire region has to deal with the disasterous consequences of said policies [ arming and supporting with airstrikes jihadis in Libya and Syria ]. Do remember they tortured and killed our ambassador and his staff to Libya at Bengazi, Libya. Wake up idiots. The time to choose what and who we fight with and for is NOW.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Well, the Kurds live there. It is their homeland. Not sure why you think the USA seems to have lost it in terms of undertaking action in Iraq. If the Kurds were based in North America I don't think we would have seen any attacks of them either (and righteously so) :p
  4. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    I am unclear as to what you mean. Of course the Kurds would never attack the USA if they were in North America. They share our values and consider us an ally or at least did prior to Obummer`s ARAB SPRING.
    In my opinion the World is on the edge of a WWIII and it is time we decide who our friends and ALLIES are. I DO include the KURDS as friends and allies of the USA in this very troubling time. They earned and deserve that status. ...Oscar
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I mean it is logical the Kurds defend their homeland and not logical to compare their actions against ISIS to the (lack of actions of) USA (who is not the world's or Iraq's police).

    I did not ment the USA. I was saying if the Kurds would not live in that conflict region they would not fight the jihadi.
  6. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    With the weapons readily available in today`s world: Said world desperately NEEDS a police force if it is still possible. The USA is the ONLY country that is not islamic, Chinese, or Russian that is capable, MAYBE. We are on the edge of a WWIII. We HAVE been just such a police force since WWII and never doubt that. PAX AMERICANA so to speak: The peace America brings.
    The same as PAX ROMANA, it is more a burden than a blessing. But someone has to do it. Otherwise our world will drift into a 21st century DARK AGES or more likely BLAST into said dark ages so fast you will be astounded.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Ridicilous. If there should be a world police it should not be one country like America. That's what I ment with why the Kurds are engaged already in battle over there. It is their land and their issue.
    America has not lost it, they're on the other side of the world and should stay there where it comes to war. I would almost say they finally got it :p I'm not against american help for Iraq or Kurds by default, but it would depend on the details if it's a good idea or not. Its not up to the US alone to intervene in a military way over there!
  8. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    And here I thought Americans were finally getting tired of sending its military to places that are none of its concern. Why are we willing to re-shingle abroad when the roof is leaking at home, anyway?
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  9. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    PAX ROMANA did work for about 500 years more or less. To be a friend and ally of ROME insured the safety of that world. The same can be said of American friends and allies since WWII. Yes you are expected to help with men and resources. NATO and SEATO come to mind. It was NEVER perfect but a semblence of peace did result and still does from these ongoing efforts. I refuse to go along with any notion that we abandon the Kurds.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    NATO comes to mind here too. That's why it isn't up to the US alone. I know of the pax romana. I don't feel like getting into it because from my pov it is completely irrelevant to the issue of this thread.
  11. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    The USA is NOT alone. The same was true for ROME. The Romans demanded and got men and resources to be " A friend and ally of ROME ". In return the Roman legions were dispatched throughout this period in time to protect said friends and allies with their help.
    How can anyone forget those fun loving Romans ?
  12. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    The Kurds are not nice people. In Iraq and Turkey they are known as the killers of other ethnic groups, particularly the killers of the local Christians. Two well known Kurdish leaders, Birzo and Simko, killed many Christians, and killed well known Christian priests. Most recently, the Maliki government in Baghdad has caught the Kurds stealing oil and selling it in Turkey. And has caught these Kurds buying oil from ISIS terrorists and selling it in Turkey. Before the 1991 gulf war there was less than a million Kurds in northern Iraq. Since then they have imported another 6 million from Turkey so they could steal the northern part of Iraq. The Iraqi border is defined and recognized by the United Nations and the Iraqi government will fight these Kurds to prevent them from stealing anything from Iraq, including any land. Saddam was wrong about a lot of things; but, he wasn't wrong about the Kurds. They are not Iraqi citizens and do not belong in Iraq. They are just a bunch of illegals.
  13. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    You are full of shit. There are many Christian Kurds. Provide a non-moslem source for your statements. Moslems lie consistantly in all issues. It IS part of their religion: Lying to and about " infidels : is REQUIRED by moslems. And amazingly " Aljarzeera " agrees with me here:

  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Some kurdish leaders killed christians so they are all bad (and killers of course). Yeah that sounds nice.

    Muslims can be normal people just like you and me, Oscar. Why say such stupid and stigmatizing things about a bunch of people you apparently don't know.
  15. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    Oh but I did know them. I was an antique dealer in Boston. They maintained a tight control as much as they could on the rug market in the Boston area. I managed to snag a few good rugs and sold those rugs at legitimate auctions.
    Anyone who was not one of them was NEVER event talked to by them unless you were an idiot buyer of their rugs. ...Oscar

    They would open up a NEW retail outlet that lasted forever claiming a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE shortly after opening said store. And the WEEKLY ads in the Boston Globe for " going out of business sales ". It WAS a joke and I mean a real laugh for all antique dealers who where NOT moslems.
  16. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    People who insinuate that the United States is or should be akin to Ancient Rome should immediately not be taken seriously.
  17. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Hm, I guess it depends on how literally they mean it, or in what respect they mean it.
  18. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    And why is that ? After [ not during ] WWII the USA took upon itself the burden of defending the FREE WORLD. We did successfully DEFEAT the Japanese empire pretty much by ourselves in WWII. We made a deal with that devil Stalin in Europe to defeat the NAZIs. We did as good as we did. The USSR failed eventually in their grab for world domination. Just because we have a piss poor POTUS now does NOT mean we will fail. The same as the ROMANS, you have good leaders and very bad ones.
  19. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    I think you are saying some legitimate things, but your way of conveying them kinda sucks. Not that I'm Mister Articulate either, mind you.
  20. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    It's like you got your perspective on global politics from a G.I. Joe comic.
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