This might sound a bit esoteric and just so much dull Linux news, but what it promises is that Linux could become more of a popular gaming platform. Microsoft is currently making huge strides making DirectX closer to the metal and speeding up video games and designing more analog operating systems, but if Linux can do the same and provide efficient sharing and rendering of 3D content it could be much more competitive as an alternative. Towards similar ends, Otoy has created 3D content programs that can even convert Nvidia cuda code into something AMD graphics cards can play, sometimes, even faster than they play on Nvidia cards. By removing all the proprietary bullshit from gaming and producing analog software that can better leverage analog circuitry the amount of power required to do things like ray traced geometry has dropped already close to a 1,000 fold and, theoretically, its possible to process video game graphics with almost photo realism using about .3 watts of power on the same chip as the cpu. These days they can add all the memory they need on the same chip as well and you could even stack chips like so many legos up to 64 chips at a time. Otoy and Imagination's PowerVR have promised ray traced geometry on your cellphone with 3D windows you can move your head around and look behind walls sometime within the next three years. This latest move to create a standard means they'll even be able to transform anything into 3D content and display it in virtual reality on command including any video games. Among other things, using real time ray tracing means the characters in virtual reality can actually look you in the eye and display situational awareness of where you are. Even older video games could be updated to take advantage of such new features and, ideally, you might want up to 17 cores on a cpu to allow the thing to do almost anything you might care to imagine. The more cores and standards like this that processors require the less advantage companies like Microsoft can provide and the more operating systems will tend to become more open source. Memory standards and bandwidth channels like pcie are now the big fight and that dust won't settle for several years.