Kinky foreplay

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by Echo1987, Jan 24, 2023.

  1. Echo1987

    Echo1987 Newbie

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    What is the kinkiest foreplay you have ever had with your partner did you use costumes no costumes what roles did you play what did you want to be called stuff like that
  2. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    I dunno if this counts as foreplay, but...

    Back in 1985, when my wife and I were in an MFM threesome with a close male friend, he'd come over to our place on a weekend day (usually Saturday) and us two guys would try to see how large an object we could comfortably (for her) insert in her pussy. The first couple of times we did this, she was understandably apprehensive. However, after we'd stretched her with half a dozen different objects, she started to get into the spirit of the activity and began suggesting insertables on her own.

    After we'd done this for a while (maybe and hour or so), our friend and I would started taking turns fucking her. Once he and I had each done that a couple of times, and her pussy was full our our cum, we'd go back to inserting things. We were almost always able to insert larger objects on the second attempt, due to her being so much more relaxed and having all that cum inside her for lubrication.
  3. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yep, That counts.

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