Kids do the darndest things....

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by NoxiousGas, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    One afternoon a few years ago when my youngest was about 9 she managed to get a hold of an Epi-pen from the first aid kit. I heard some sort of exchange between my wife and my daughter and figured I would check it out.
    I walk into the room, my wife is at the computer and my daughter is hunched over by the front door with her back to me. Just as I was about to ask what was going on I heard a loud CLICK! come from my daughters direction.
    She turned around and looked like this :eek: and dropped the now spent Epi-pen on the floor. I knew immediately what was up. My kid was standing there in shock and dismay as a stream of blood shot out of her thumb and across the floor. I looked over at my wife who had her signature pursed-lip stern look on her face, all she said was "I told her not to mess with it.".

    By now the epinephrin has taken effect and my daughter is shaking, crying, and can't sit still for a second, kinda like this;:willy_nilly:.

    I got her calmed down after a few minutes and bandaged her finger. Luckily most of the epinephrine went shooting across the room mixed with her blood.
    The needle hit the bone in her thumb so hard it bent. If you have never seen one of those suckers the needle is like 1/2"-3/4" long and fat, spring loaded, and injects the shit under pressure. It's made to go through clothing and deep into thigh muscle.
    All that force went into the tip of my kids thumb.
    She survived.

    Now all I have to do is show her an Epi-Pen and she backs away like a vampire from a cross. LOL

    Anybody else have any interesting stories or should I tell you a little about Diego?
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Maybe it's a good thing that shes scared to play with needles now?

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Cheers Glen.
  4. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    When one of my sons was young we were sitting at the kitchen table and he leaned over toward my wife and asked her if she could hear the ringing in his ears.
  5. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    I was thinking this too. 9 seems a bit old to be doing something so silly.

    At least she learnt her lesson, I guess.
  6. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    No interesting stories???

    Diego is the grandson of a friends. She has had custody of him and his sister since birth.

    Anywho, Diego is a sweet, innocent little kid who says some of the funniest shit.
    He was born addicted to meth, so all the lights aren't on upstairs if ya know what i mean.

    So, one day driving with Grandma they went over some railroad tracks, and immediately Diego started getting excited and saying "Grandma, Grandma, turn around, turn around!!!"
    She thought he dropped something out the window or something important, when she asked him why, he responded
    "I like going over the train tracks, it tickles my testicles."
    just as matter of fact and straight faced as you can imagine.

    Then there was the time in the van with his sister and some of her friends discussing an upcoming Justin Bieber concert (I know, but they are just kids) when Diego proudly exclaimed to everyone that he was going to grow up and have Justin Biebers baby.
    Everyone started to laugh and giggle and Grandma said "You can't have Justin Biebers baby."
    To which he rightly responded,
    "Yes I can Grandma. You always tell me that I'm smart and when I grow up and I be anything I want."

    I find it funny, but I'm bored right now and avoiding work...........................
  8. Guitar&Flatcap

    Guitar&Flatcap Guest

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    We live in a little village/town where we harvest wood for the cold winters and nights. So, we naturally have wood stoves to keep our little houses warm and cozy.

    But you know, the house I grew up in and like everyone who has been raised in that one house has one harsh basic lesson to learn: Never touch the stove.
  9. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    If I hadn't developed a severe needle phobia (due to really crap doctors and orderlies and poorly anaesthetized surgeries) I would almost surely be an irreparable junky by now.

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