Kick Ass 2

Discussion in 'New Movies' started by Shale, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Shale

    Shale ~

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    Kick Ass 2
    Movie Blurb by Shale
    August 16, 2013

    I just watched Kick Ass on DVD last night in prep for seeing the sequel. I loved that movie when it came out in 2010 and saw it 4 times in theater, then anxiously awaited the DVD release. It had been a while since watching it and last night I was struck again how good that movie was and was apprehensive that the sequel could not do as well.

    Shale's Kick Ass Blurb April 16, 2010

    Well, I was right about that but that can be expected of most sequels. The sense of new discovery is lost and it is just a continuation. Only 28% of the aggregate reviews on Rottentomatoes liked this movie but 81% of us in the audience did. I said it was not as good as the original but I didn't say it wasn't good - and enjoyable. BTW, this is an R-rated Blurb for an R-rated movie due mostly to gratuitous violence.

    This movie continues where the last one left off. Mindy Macready (Chloƫ Grace Moretz) is now 15, going to school and living with her guardian, Police Sgt. Marcus Williams (Morris Chestnut) as per her father's dying instructions. Marcus is trying to give her a normal childhood and she appears to be doing that, dealing with the bitchy pretty girl cliques in high school. However, unknown to him she still offs bad guys as Hit Girl extracurricular activity.

    David Lizewski (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) wants to team up with her again but she is trying to abide by Marcus' wish. But she does help train him to work on his own.

    Mindy Trains David

    Because of Kick Ass, there are now vigilante superheroes everywhere and he joins up with Col. Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey) who is Sal Bertolinni, once a crime organization enforcer but now a born again Christian who is gathering others into his Justice Forever group.

    Kick-Ass in Justice Forever with Colonel Stars and Stripes

    Meanwhile, Chris D'Amico (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) is still pissed at Kick Ass for blowing his father away with a Bazooka and is determined to become an arch villain called Mother Fucker with his own group of baddies most prominent and dangerous among them is Mother Russia (Olga Kurkulina) who does some major gratuitous violence on the police and anyone else that gets in her way.

    Mother Russia Badass

    Mother Fucker does some really bad things that forces Kick Ass and Hit Girl to get back into the play. And, you know what the rest of the movie is about.

    Kick Ass & Hit Girl Back in the Game

    Tho not as good as the first one, I did enjoy this movie. I had to see it at the Regal Cinema on Lincoln Road for $9.50 so I won't be seeing it as much as the first one. (also they increased their trailer time to 25 minutes - other theaters only 15) Hopefully, in a few weeks it will also show at the Intracoastal Theater for $8.25 or I may just wait for the DVD to come out to see it again.
  2. Shale

    Shale ~

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    As mentioned in my blurb the real badass in this movie was Mother Russia, played by 6 ft 2 inch Ukrainian body builder Olga Kurkulina. I could not find any production pix showing this dynamic looking woman, but took this out of a composite of characters and linked it by way of facebook.


    Now imagine the overconfident Hit Girl, played by the petite teen Chloƫ Grace Moretz going up against this. It was one of the more definitive fight scenes in the movie."]Kick-Ass 2 - Hit Girl vs. Mother Russia Red Band Featurette (HD) Chloe Moretz - YouTube
  3. Shale

    Shale ~

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    Added Info

    Today I went to see Kick Ass 2 again - mostly because I like the movie and wanted to pick up whatever may have been missed on first viewing. The other reason was to see the half-minute scene at the end credits, which I knew nothing about on first viewing.

    I realized that Kick Ass was a Mark Millar comic book published by Marvel under its Icon label. However, I didn't even think about an end scene like other Marvel movies.

    Isn't the Internet great? Today I got an online education in brand names. At the beginning of this movie is the name Marv, which I thot was another form of Marvel. No, not related. It is Matthew Vaughn's production company, Marv Films.

    When doing my blurbs I check out facts such as character & actor names online, usually on IMDB or Wikipedia. (SPOILER WARNING - NEVER read a Wikipedia movie report until after you see the movie. They give a complete synopsis, including all surprises and the ending)

    Anyhow, that is where I read about the scene at the end credits. (Wikipedia also describes the scene, which I won't). Usually these end scenes are a teaser of the next movie in the series but IDK if there will be another Kick Ass as we know it. The movie pretty much had a final feel to it at the end. But who knows?

    Also, since the first movie when Aaron Johnson was playing a high school nerd, he has matured and buffed up and now has training so he can really kick ass.


    (Oh, they may have fixed his Kick Ass costume since this shot. TMI?)


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