Keeping In Theme With All Of These Getting To Know You Threads......

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Ashalicious, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    And because I cant seem to focus on a movie right now, here is another list of "getting to know you questions".

    1.) What is your favorite scary movie?

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants?

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants?

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up?

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything?

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul?

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love?

    9.) Are you allergic to anything?

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now?

    I'll let a few people answer theses questions, before I answer them myself.
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  2. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? The Thing 1982

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? No

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? No

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? Not very much

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Brother, hes dead

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? Nicotine

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Nude hiking

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? 17

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Perfume

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? Ocean Man..
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  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    1) The Shining
    2) yes, man it feels good to laugh like that.
    3) not yet
    4) hardly any, we didnt have cable. I still feel left out when people get all nostalgia about Nickalodean.
    5) 2 brothers, 1 sister
    6) nicotine.
    7) nature, music, silence, yoga, running, a good conversation, human connections (even though i'm not the greatest at connecting with others)
    9) certain artificial scents make me itchy
    10) waahhahhaahhh..waahahahahahah..come from the land of the ice and snow where the dumdumsomething and the hot springs flow..or something
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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? Bambi.... (seriously, I don't know)

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? No

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? No

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? Very little.

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? 3 sisters

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? Coffee & cigarettes

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Coffee & cigarettes

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? I don't recall...

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Doubt it.

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now?
  6. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? I hate scary movies.

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? Yes.

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? Yes, drunk inside a child's bouncy house thing. I got knocked down and couldn't get up. I could only lay there and laugh.

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? About an hour after school and about 30 minutes before bed.

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? I had 4 brothers. One is deceased now.

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? Cigarettes and coffee.

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Being around adorable children and listening to older people.

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? Fourteen.

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Augmentin antibiotic.

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? "Getting To Know You" - Julie Andrews, lol
  7. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    1. The Thing
    2. no
    3. no
    4. enough
    5. sis
    6. certain cartoons and t.v. series
    7. euphoria
    8. Never happened, even though I had mates. They never made me fall in love with them.
    9. I am. It is to things I cant spell.
    10. The usual song is Metalica's "Wherever I may rome"
  8. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? I'm honestly not into scary stuff. I'm gonna say The Muppet Christmas Carol because it had some scary scenes.

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? Nope. I wonder how often that happens to guys...

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? A crapton. But I also spent a lot of time outside with friends and family, out in nature, playing video games/computers.

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? 2 sisters.

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? video games maybe as a child

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? family, music, relaxation

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? i'm not sure i ever have.

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
  9. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

    Likes Received:
    1. The Thing
    2. no
    3. no
    4. enough
    5. sis
    6. certain cartoons and t.v. series
    7. euphoria
    8. Never happened, even though I had mates. They never made me fall in love with them.
    9. I am. It is to things I cant spell.
    10. The usual song is Metalica's "Wherever I may rome"
  10. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? Phantasm

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? No

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? No

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? Hardly Any

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? Yes

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Laughter, Music, Friends/Family

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? 22

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? No

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? "Graduate", Third Eye Blind

    I'll let a few people answer theses questions, before I answer them myself.
  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? i don't really have favorites of things. i'm fickle like that.

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? not that i recall.

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? definitely not.

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? quite a bit. i was pretty active and all, but when i was at home and inside, i was generally in front of the tv, either watching or playing video games.

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? no

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? i was a pretty serious pothead for several years.

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? i don't even know what that really means.

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? i guess it depends on your definition of falling in love. either 15ish or never.

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? i don't think so. maybe honeybee stings; i've had a couple bad reactions to them but never to any other kind of sting. so either it was a weird coincidence or there may be something specific to honeybee venom that i have issues with. i also think i may be developing an allergy to survey threads.

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? none at the moment.
  12. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    Survey threads are fun mmmmmkay
  13. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    all things are fun in moderation.
  14. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? Insidious

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? Not that i recall

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? No

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? More than enough

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? I have a somewhat addiction to chocolate

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Soul food and soul music. :D I get what you mean. Pursuing a dream or passion. Overcoming fear and failure.

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? I'm still waiting

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Not that i'm aware of.

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? None
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  15. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    Insidious scared the pants off of me, on more than one occasion.

    Have you seen the second one? If yes, is it worth a watch? I just assumed it wouldn't be very good, so I haven't bothered to watch it.
  16. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    I personally enjoyed all 3 of them. But the first one is by far the best. I say watch em all.
  17. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    Oh yeah, I forgot there is a third installment. Cool, I will check out the other films for sure.
  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie?
    don't have a favorite 'scary' movie. don't entirely understand the obsession humans have with them.

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants?
    i tried singing the gargle song while gargling once. (its actually called the dargisong, or something like it)

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants?
    i only when i was home alone and i'll never tell

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up?
    too damd much. personal computers didn't exist yet, and my mother was addicted to the damd thing.
    (in her and my dad's lifetime, tv was a new technology that didn't exist yet when THEY were growing up)

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    no. and oh thank gods and what powers that be that i never did.

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything?
    i guess that depends on how broadly you wish to apply the term addicted.
    no recreational substance dependencies at any rate.

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul?
    imagination, solitude when its a gift, not a burden, being able to hear the sound of not hearing the sound of the human voice.
    mazes and convoluted spaces. making things in some way that wouldn't have existed without you're doing so.
    any harmless thing you're doing because its what you want to do and no one else gave you the idea to do it.

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love?
    somewhere around three or four. and i don't mean with my parents either.

    9.) Are you allergic to anything?
    loud and aggressive humans

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now?
    the 'song' of my own voice too much more often then not.
    usually having one sided debates with the generality of idiots.
  19. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    1.) What is your favorite scary movie? The Exorcist

    2.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you almost peed your pants? Yes

    3.) Have you ever laughed so hard that you literally peed your pants? No

    4.) How much TV did you watch growing up? Not too much, for while we didn't even have a TV

    5.) Do you have any brothers or sisters? 1 sister

    6.) Are you, or have you ever been addicted to anything? No

    7.) What do you personally feel is good for the soul? Confession and Holy Communion. I haven't been to Church in a while, but I feel incredibly good, sane and rejuvenated whenever I go.

    8.) How old were you the first time you fell in love? 17

    9.) Are you allergic to anything? Nope

    10.) What song is stuck in your head right now? Just something Croatian

    Btw, I kind of feel sorry for all the people who never laughed so, so hard that they almost peed their pants o_O
  20. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    Me too.

    BTW, which version of The Exorcist do you find the scariest? The digitally remastered version with the scenes that were removed from the film back when it was originally released, is terrifying to me.

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