Keep the cats inside

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by backtothelab, May 20, 2004.

  1. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    Everyone, keep your cats inside. Please. If it's not bad enough that pollution and habitat destruction is killing off all our native song birds, but now the cats are. And if your thinking of using the bell, it does'nt work, most birds just ignore it. Thanks for the time
  2. Sage-Phoenix

    Sage-Phoenix Imagine

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    A few other good reasons:

    Cats are rather reckless (or stupid depending on your POV) and have been known to snuggle down in car engines. So when said car is started the cat is liable to suffer major perhaps even fatal injury.

    They are also liable to get run over.

    Face it, not everyone likes cats. And people can become suprisingly aggressive/violent when pissed off by a cat.

    Not sure if this is PETA scaremongering, but apparently there are people who round up animals and sell them on to labs.



    PS I'm not a cat lover, but like them enough not to want any harm to befall them.
  3. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    Well, it's a nice thought to keep your cat in and protect the birds, but try telling that to a cat. They're not meant to be locked up in a house all day, they're animals and they need to go outside and run around at least occasionally.

    Actually, my cat has only caught one bird in her life, and she's terrified of cars.
  4. The Smiling Frog

    The Smiling Frog Member

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    Cats are domestic animals, not wild animals, they belong INSIDE! I get so mad when people say it's mean to keep cats inside. Try telling that to the stray cat I had that was hit by a car. He survived but had bad health problems for seven years until we couldn't control them with medicine any longer and he died of renal failure. Try telling that to my cat Gracie that was left outside to fend for herself. She was starving, had worms and was scared to death of people. Or my three little kittens that were left outside in a glass display case with a for free sign over them. They weren't used to human contact and had probably never been inside, so no one wanted them because they would bite and tear you up. Cats do NOT belong outside. Why get a cat if you are barely ever going to see it. Animals are like children they need us to protect them!
  5. Sage-Phoenix

    Sage-Phoenix Imagine

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    I totally agree

    Slightly off topic but that sentiment applies just as well to rabbits. I'm a great advocate of house rabbits. They like being around people are are wonderful to be with.


  6. Micro

    Micro Member

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    No thank you.:rolleyes:
  7. Cosmic Butterfly

    Cosmic Butterfly Member

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    Just because cats have a relationship with humans does not mean that they belong inside soley. That is pretty sad, I think. People shouldnt have cats, when they know damnwell that alot of kitties would love to bask in the sun, and pounce bugs. I dont know how many times I have seen captive housecats stare out the window for hours.
    If cats should stay inside, then so should people. Things die. Its called life, and sometimes accidents happened. How many people in the US got hurt or killed today in US today? Alot. How many people get sick in winter from the flu?? Alot.
    I have 3 beautiful cats that are spayed and neutered. They are up to date with all their shots, and I do see them all the time. They go outside, and play in the grass, and climb trees. They pounce insects, and play tag. They love their life, and they would meow their heads off if they could never go outside and experience the beauty of nature.
    I dont own my cats, or worry if they will run off. They are not my property, but my equals. They are not pets, or some kind of material object.
    We have a wonderful companionship, and I know that if they wanted to leave they could. But they wont, because they get plenty of love, respect, and of course good food.
    No wonder why cats runaway from people and get hurt. If I was forced to live in a boring home for the rest of my life, and had the chance to sneak out. I would not come back!
  8. mmelody

    mmelody Member

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    Beautifully said..
  9. clawsy

    clawsy Member

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    yeah well said,
    our cats would go mental if we locked them indoors all day everyday. We have tried to always find a house to rent that is reasonably safe for the animals, making sure its fenced for the dog and not on a busy street, has a bit of garden and big sections around it if possible. Its not always possible to find a safe house but we have been lucky to find good places suitable for the animals 9 times out of 10.
    our cats come and go outside as they please, mostly they like to be indoors but they love lying in teh sun outside or prowling around the garden for a bit.
  10. cynical_otter

    cynical_otter Bleh!

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    if you are gonna allow your animals to roam the streets...please do the following.

    1.spay/neuter your cat

    2.administer flea/tick and heartworm medication

    3.make sure your cat sees the vet every year for a thorough checkup

    4.either ID-chip your cat or put a collar with your address,name,and phone number on it.The ID chip is preferable because if your cat gets catnapped or killed by an obnoxious have proof that you were the guardian.

    5.put a clean bowl of water outside everyday so that your little buddy has a reliable source of clean water.

    6.put a bowl of food outside so that your cat doesnt need to rummage through garbage for food when he isnt even a stray.

    this being a responsible dont just toss your cat have to still care for it.

    I agree with the premise of this post though.

    We have billions of feral cats and outdoor cats are depleting rare wild bird species.

    it isnt fair that a man-created animal gets to terrorize nature-created animals.Cat's kill for fun.many of the animals they kill outdoors are just to toss around..then they leave the corpse and move on to another target.

    your cat's right to roam outside should not be allowed to infringe on a bird species right to exist.

    I love my cat Genie to death....she's my youngest baby.My spoiled princess. she's strictly indoors and very happy with that.

    but if she were outdoors and I was notified by the local agent that all cats must remain indoors because they are killing off a rare bird cat's coming indoors.

    we as humans kill off alot of species...I think ENOUGH species have gone extinct at our hands....we can control the situation with our domestic animals.

    If cats cause a bird species to go's the humans fault because we created the cat and brought them into the ecosystem and then allowed them to wantonly kill because of our sentimental attachment to the cat.

    You can let your cats outdoors but be a responsible guardian. Keep your cat safe and have some damn respect for the wild fauna that exists in your area.
  11. Cosmic Butterfly

    Cosmic Butterfly Member

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    Billions!? Is that real or an exaggeration?
    Humans are depleting the rare and wild bird species. As a matter of fact many large towns and cities have Sparrow and pigeon problems. Cats actually help to lower these abnormaly high populations. Sparrows, and pigeons are also depleting rare and wild bird species due to competition.

    Man created animal??? Can I have the information of what college research group created these cats? Since when are cats not nature created?!!! Cats are from the wild, and discovered that they could live much easily if they got along with humans. On every continent there are several species of small wild cats. How do you think that all these beautiful cat breeds exist. Siamese, Main Coone, Turkish Van, Persian, Calico, and so on. The blood lines can still be traced to smaller wildcats.

    It is a very nice symbiosis. They are great pest control, and wonderful companions.

    Alot of the things you said go without saying if someone is a responsible cat owner. I know that many situations are not like that, and those people either shouldnt have cats, or change things.
    We live in a very beautiful neighborhood with a dirt road. Not many cars come through. Both my neighbors have cats that go outdoors. They all hang out together.
    I wouldnt let my cats outside if I lived in a busy city. Thats definately looking for problems.

    The birds in our neighborhood are quite smart. They stay away from the cats when they are out. My cats have not a caught a bird as of yet. I think they really dont try as hard because they always have food.

    It doesnt make right for us to infringe on the cats right to exist. If you believe in animal rights than you should also realize that the cats deserve to experience nature. If you live in some neighborhood in the city, chances are that the ecosystem is already severly screwed up. You being alive with your family is doing ten times more damage than the cat being outside.

    Control the situation by not having cats if you are going to deny an animal its existence. It kind of hypocritical of you. You think animals should be killed because they have to be in a Shelter the rest of its life. You called the shelter a prison, and so is your home. Especially if that cat is staring out the windows in fascination.

    Lets have some respect for the wild fauna and flora and show some real empathy for animals. Especially if we have to deny them something that is very much a part of them. It is like a bird in a cage, or Gerbil in a tank.
    This society is so stupid about "pets" in general. Getting a dog is like right of passage, and most people cant even take care of themselves or their own family. Im tired of animals being treated like some material possesion.

    Someone said earlier " Animals are like children, we need to protect them". Yes they are like children, and we do need to protect them. We also need to RESPECT them for what they are. If you want to have a kid or cat for your EGO PETTING, then think twice. We can not go around locking our kids up because we fear that they might die in an accident . Stop putting so much boundries and rules on your life and those around you.
  12. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    Hey, some cats honestly LIKE being outside. I have two cats and they're constantly wanting in and out, we couldn't keep them inside if we wanted to. And yes, we do take them to the vet every year and they both have flea collars and are both neutered.
  13. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    I could never house bind my cats, however I do try to only let them out during the day and try to keep them in at night, during dawn and dusk as these are the times when cats are most likely to go hunting and when most of the smaller mammals are out and about. It is not going to stop my cats from killing the odd bird or shrew, but it will sure as hell cut down on the chances of them doing so.

    As for cats being domesticated, they are not entirely domesticated, unlike dogs. A kitten that is given no human contact in the first 2 months of it's life is likely to go ferral. Even where it may later be taken in and given a home, it is likely to reject human contact and leave.

    Cats can survive in the wild, unlike domesticated rabbits. A ferral cat may not live as full or as comfortable a life as a pet cat but to say that cats are domesticated and that they are meant to remain inside the home at all times is wrong.

    Yes there is a problem in declining wildlife, and cats do play a part, but I think that you will find that intensive farming techniques and the decline in natural habitat due to human expansion are the far greater causes.

    The day they bring out licensing to keep any kind of animal (and not just exotic ones) cannot come soon enough. I think there would be a lot less unwanted animals on the streets if people had to pay for a permit in order to own one in the first place, with fines in place and a lifetime ban for those that try to bypass such permits, abuse their animals (and this would include failure to have their animals neutered/spayed) or abandon them.

    There should also be additional licenses in order to be allowed to breed animals, whether they are hybrid or pedigree with one license per litter required.
  14. DoggoD

    DoggoD Member

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    Ya, we should have a license and have to register everything! That way everything can be monitored, regulated, and controlled. Nothing should be free, and we should infringe on everybodys right to do anything! Hail Hitler!!(sorry about the off topic post)
  15. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    No just animals :)
  16. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    But then screw it all life has a right to live, so sod laws :p After all there are no guarantees in life even for humans so why should we prevent other animals from procreation, in the bid to stem animal suffering, when we ourselves are not prepared to do the same for our own species?
  17. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    I live next to a small nature reserve park thing, and in the last couple of years, folks have started building this huge neighborhood and kept creeping and creeping as close as they could until they pretty much had the park surrounded. This drove all the little creatures into this little park...I don't know the acreage and stuff, but I do know that it's not even 2 miles long or 1 mile wide...very small...I'm retarded with numbers, etc.

    Anyway, there are all these little coyotes that live in the park, who used to hand out in the big field where all the big houses are now. And they're hungry. And the stupid housewives with their sweet little kitties are being "victimized." The cats have become they coyotes' protein source. These stupid bitches let their cats run around outside all the time, right next to a reserve thing, and then throw a fit when they get eaten. You're asking for it! Now they're holding all of these meetings at the club house trying to get someone to come in and kill the coyotes! They were there first! You've squeezed them into this tiny little wooded area and they have nowhere to go and there's not a lot of food in there...coyotes don't even like wooded areas....they're meadow guys, which is why the backyard that used to be a forest is so cool to them! They're hunters! If you want to keep your cat, keep it inside and stop terrorizing other creature's habitats! Just because you're married to a Titan doesn't mean you have any special rights! I hate you!
  18. clawsy

    clawsy Member

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    yep humans are mostly selfish... i like this site, less humans=less houses=less crap (im not saying having kids is selfish btw so dont flame me lol)
  19. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    Happyhaha girl, do you live in the jungle, hunt your own food, build your own shelter using natural sustainable resources?

    No, you are sitting in a nice house, in front of a computer, using up fossil fuels no doubt.

    Everyone posting on these forums is contributing in some way or another to the destruction of natural habitats and the species inherent within. You may not be aware of it, or even mean to do it, but still you are a contributing factor simply by existing.

    Btw I am just being antagonistic as I am bored.
  20. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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