Katrina stuff...

Discussion in 'The Environment' started by bamb00gal, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. bamb00gal

    bamb00gal Member

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    If any of you got the latest Time Magazine, you might have read the article about how our troubled ecosystem was the reason that Katrina was so powerful. B4 the levees surrounding New Orleans were built, there would be floods periodically, washing away acess sedimentary layers. But now since there are no more floods, the sedimentary layer keeps growing, causing the land to sink. Since the water has no place to go, it is consuming many islands around Louisiana, which act as barriers against hurricanes.Almost 2 acres of louisiana are underwater every hour. Also the sea water that is protruding on Louisiana shore kills many freshwater plants that support the land, causing the land to sink. The oil does the same thing. Since the oil that is always being drilled used to hold up New Orleans, New Orleans is now sinking faster then ever.

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