Katrina disaster interview?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by boothy, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    Hi all, hope you are all well and good :)

    As we all know this was an awful disaster, and I have upmost sympathy for those affected. Though I have expressed my sympathies elsewhere, this thread is about something connected to this disaster which confused/annoyed me.

    Listenin' to good 'ol BBC Radio 2, interview with an American woman, obviously of some government authority, giving her opinion on the people looting. She said "These looters, probably on drugs, are..." etc.

    I was just thinking at that moment... do you have to be on drugs to loot? It's just the way she said it, not confirmed at all, not even as if it had been looked into, just a sidenote, for a second. That one mention.

    Is there any logic behind this other than the government trying to spread more rubbish about how all drugs are the worst things ever?

    I'm not making an ignorant statement, don't get me wrong, I am wanting to cure my ignorance! Did anyone else hear this, and if there some major connection between the looters and drugs, or is it a further attempt by the government to turn more people against drugs, in some little statement?

    If the latter, then it's disgusting using an event like this to say that.

    Peace to y'all :)

    Boothy... or Josh whatever :)
  2. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    dude if i was down there i would loot in a secound, i lost my house all my shit my job,its got nothing to do with drugs people have shit left and nothing to loose,fuck it id loot like a mother fucker
  3. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    Well being in Florida we're getting more coverage than most.

    Anyway, people are looting, yes, people are raping women, yes, and people are even shooting down rescue choppers. And it's all gang related. Drug related? Maybe, who knows?

    People aren't just looting food and neccessities, they're looting TVs and the like. That, is completely pointless, you have no home to plug it into, the TV will be damaged in a weeks time and you're destroying the life of the shop owner when they return after evacuating, saying you would loot is about the most ignorant thing you could say.

    The national gaurd is in there now and has been given the order to shoot at will, it is complete anarchy and there is no police forces, just the gaurd now.

    But honestly, women are getting raped and people are getting shot and kidnapped all over the place...the last thing they need to talk about is drugs...and the last thing the guy about me needs to say is that he'd contribute to the violence.

    Grow up.
  4. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    ^Dude are you telling me to grow up? I'm not wanting to offend anyone, I know how fucked up it is there, I feel extremely saddened by it, I'm just wondering whether this might be any truth in it being drug related looting. I'm gonna delete this if I can, I didn't mean to cause offense, don't tell people to grow up without thinking either, please.
  5. Beleg

    Beleg Member

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    These people are opertunistic, they see a chance to take something of value because no one is around to guard it, and they take it. Wrong? yes. ANYTHING at all to do with drugs? Not a chance.

    Ignorant fucknuts like the person in the interview need a reality check. Stop associating drug use, ESPECIALLY marijuana, with criminals. Even tweakers have a heart.
  6. sacrament32

    sacrament32 Member

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    i think he was telling dead to grow up yes if the opertunity came i would most likely take food and stuff from store because thats what i need also i might take a comp or two from best buy cause they seem to have lots of em ;)
  7. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    eh sorry man ive got nothing to loose i got no money no food no income,what would you do id take anything i could to survive,im not talking about tvs and shit,im talking about food and clothes, jewry,i wouldnt hurt anyone,or steal from a persons home,who the fuck cares if stole some food and shit from a busted up wal mart? realy
  8. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    No no no, not you boothy haha

    You're fine haha

    OK, good food and stuff is perfectly fine haha...I just was annoyed cause in my US History class today we had some "gangstas" saying how they would take big screen TVs and stuff

    Looting food, especially from wal mart a company that wouldn't feel the blow...is fine

    OK, thanks for clearing that up haha
  9. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    ahahah,wtf steal a big screen TV and no way to use it. wow stupity at its finest
  10. sacrament32

    sacrament32 Member

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    if it flooded here i would by man eating chiwawas so they could hide under my tv then eat someone if they tried to steal it but thats just me
  11. digitalldj

    digitalldj Canucks ftw!

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    Zangief says "owned"

  12. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    what. the. fuck.
  13. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    ohhhh its lousianna. guess it makes sense now.
  14. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    Food and water are fine to take, because staying alive trumps any moral questions or some asshole's concerns about his bottom line. Stealing TVs and DVD players? WTF? You can't use it, and can't take it with you when you're evacuated. It's completely pointless, and that IS wrong.

    It reminds me of what I read today: an editorial saying babies are dying "for lack of food, water, and electricity". You don't die from lack of electricity, you fucking idiot.
  15. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    haha, yeah, the only way to die of lack of electricity would be if you were hooked up to a respirator or something...I dunno, that is pretty odd haha
  16. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    there is no connection between looting and drugs. its just propaganda. the government pisses me off - they take a huge disaster and instead of asking for help they just try to spread anti drug propaganda.

    as far as looting goes, a huge walmart wouldn't miss a few loaves of bread and a few bottles of water, but a small family business would.
  17. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    digitaldj, where did you get that zangief video from? i remember all the hours i spent trying to do those special moves on street fighter....:rolleyes:
  18. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    maybe if more of them were on certain drugs then they wouldnt be fighting...
  19. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    good point. i think some people down there could really use a mellowing.

    god people stealing tvs and big screens...when they cant even eat. u can just see people starving on the street about to die, grasping to the 34inch flat screen they stole from mom and pops electronics...
  20. omnip0d

    omnip0d Member

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