Ok, I use to do this online a lot... singing live to songs for others to hear. Drifttrue mentioned doing this on hip, I personally think or know it is fun, for me. If others laugh at me or with me. I just don’t care. Laughter is the key to a long life, So I hope others will have enough balls, lady balls or man balls, to do it too. this is me singing, screwing it up too, but it is ok.
Cool videos. I have videos but definitely not of me singing lol. I don't sing, not even alone. I barely even talk in my videos. You better create a video of you singing. I'm not playing. Stop what you're doing and create that video right now.
well with the finger pop in the mouth. I made you your request. Lol. I am sure I didn’t do you justice, but I mentioN you 8n my singing attempts. Lol
^^You're doing great. Not many would post a video singing for all to see. Especially not for that length of time. Here's me singing. I rarely sing because i don't want to attract a crowd. I don't like the attention. But the few times i have people keep telling me i sound like Marc Anthony, only better. So here's me singing on an off day. Didn't know what images to use so i used Elvis as i'm too modest to use images of myself. j/k
Well I am impressed! Great job. ——APPLAUSE——— You have inspired me to sing better! . I will do one for you. I too am shy, crowds, singing infront of people... nope, not happening. It is like being alone doing this. I don’t like to be noticed either, but it happens for some reason, sometimes. Maybe it is an eccentric thing. Plus. Lol. I don’t think this is drawing much of a crowd. Lol. No worries, I can see views on you tube. Lol. Some have zero views but check marks. Lol
Great job BBLBz. AtM, I'm looking at getting some Karaoke equipment. Not sure what yet, but I'm gonna get some in the next month that integrate with my house speakers I already have a dance floor, might as well double it as a Karaoke club. Awesome thread. I'll be contributing soon. Looking forward to it.
Great Pete. Lol. It is fun for me, . Look forward to hearing you sing your big heart out. I was inspired this morning! I JUST HAD TO SING! these were my favourite of all the munchkins in the wizard of oz! They still are my fav.
Wow 6, that was great! And you got all the words right too. Is it ok if I record your recording and put it 9n my YouTube channel? That was great.
I know. I caught the jk, but I was thinking that maybe others would participate. 6eyed did one. . It is fun though..... so I will applaud again for your efforts..... APPLAUSE..... plus you inspired me to do better.
........... CLaP ........... CLaP ........... CLaP ........... CLaP ........... CLaP ........... CLaP ........... that was great Orison. I hope you do another one. Glad you don’t do karaoke. I can’t say I do either. Lol. Really impressed. Thanks.