Justice For The 96, At Last

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by morrow, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. morrow

    morrow Visitor

  2. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    6 accused, will any of them be found guilty? That's the acid test.
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I think they will.. after all this time the evidence is there.

    It's what the punishment will be.. but I think it's going to be another long trial..
  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    So we can expect those responsible for the Grenfell tower to be charged sometime around 2045
    2 people like this.
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Unlikely... But if you can have people charged with historical sex crimes, then why not murder.. both are as bad as..
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    update.... at last!


    lets not forget, 96 families were devastated over this, the lies that were told, were only to cover up the failings of the police, the people who are supposed to look after us, the people who are to uphold the laws of our country.
    this is what this is about.
    96 lives were cast aside by these people, as not important.. our police should not get away with this.
    practically every person in liverpool knew someone at Hillsborough that day, My own Nephew one of the people lifted from the trouble in to the area above.

    To mock that day, you mock 96 lives, and think the police were ok to do what they did, and others later involved. you should be proud of the families that in their own grief, faught the system, and won, no matter how long it took. would you be able to do the same, in your grief?

    Justice for the 96.

    ozrics and BlackBillBlake like this.
  7. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    What good does justice do for the 96, who are dead
  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    You could say that about any crime, why punish a killer..

  9. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The police need to be held to account for their incompetence and failure on the day, and the cover up they orchestrated afterwards.

    Whether it does any good for those who died is obviously not the issue here. If the police had done their job properly, they wouldn't have died.
    1 person likes this.
  10. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    On the dark side.. imagine this is the last time you seen your child, and they tell you its an accident!

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    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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  12. sidsnot

    sidsnot Members

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    still no justice NOT ONE OF THEM BASTARDS ARE IN JAIL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,still living out a lie on their big fat pensions SHAME ON YOU ,

    Attached Files:

  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Justice is lost justice is raped justice is done.

    Den den dendendenden

    Pulling your striiiings justice is gone


    Seeking no truth winning is all, find it so grim so true so reeeeaaal

  14. sidsnot

    sidsnot Members

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    fuckin nobrot you ****

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    For those who remember - i.e. those in UK,
    All the false words, lack of action - far too bad for to say.
  16. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Jon-Paul Gilhooley 10 M
    Philip Hammond 14 M
    Thomas Anthony Howard 14 M
    Paul Brian Murray 14 M
    Lee Nicol 14 M
    Adam Edward Spearritt 14 M
    Peter Andrew Harrison 15 M
    Victoria Jane Hicks 15 F
    Philip John Steele 15 M
    Kevin Tyrrell 15 M
    Kevin Daniel Williams 15 M
    Kester Roger Marcus Ball 16 M
    Nicholas Michael Hewitt 16 M
    Martin Kevin Traynor 16 M
    Simon Bell 17 M
    Carl Darren Hewitt 17 M
    Keith McGrath 17 M
    Stephen Francis O'Neill 17 M
    Steven Joseph Robinson 17 M
    Henry Charles Rogers 17 M
    Stuart Paul William Thompson 17 M
    Graham John Wright 17 M
    James Gary Aspinall 18 M
    Carl Brown 18 M
    Paul Clark 18 M
    Christopher Barry Devonside 18 M
    Gary Philip Jones 18 M
    Carl David Lewis 18 M
    John McBrien 18 M
    Jonathon Owens 18 M
    Colin Mark Ashcroft 19 M
    Paul William Carlile 19 M
    Gary Christopher Church 19 M
    James Philip Delaney 19 M
    Sarah Louise Hicks 19 F
    David William Mather 19 M
    Colin Wafer 19 M
    Ian David Whelan 19 M
    Stephen Paul Copoc 20 M
    Ian Thomas Glover 20 M
    Gordon Rodney Horn 20 M
    Paul David Brady 21 M
    Thomas Steven Fox 21 M
    Marian Hazel McCabe 21 F
    Joseph Daniel McCarthy 21 M
    Peter McDonnell 21 M
    Carl William Rimmer 21 M
    Peter Francis Tootle 21 M
    David John Benson 22 M
    David William Birtle 22 M
    Tony Bland 22 M
    Gary Collins 22 M
    Tracey Elizabeth Cox 23 F
    William Roy Pemberton 23 M
    Colin Andrew Hugh William Sefton 23 M
    David Leonard Thomas 23 M
    Peter Andrew Burkett 24 M
    Derrick George Godwin 24 M
    Graham John Roberts 24 M
    David Steven Brown 25 M
    Richard Jones 25 M
    Barry Sidney Bennett 26 M
    Andrew Mark Brookes 26 M
    Paul Anthony Hewitson 26 M
    Paula Ann Smith 26 F
    Christopher James Traynor 26 M
    Barry Glover 27 M
    Gary Harrison 27 M
    Christine Anne Jones 27 F
    Nicholas Peter Joynes 27 M
    Francis Joseph McAllister 27 M
    Alan McGlone 28 M
    Joseph Clark 29 M
    Christopher Edwards 29 M
    James Robert Hennessy 29 M
    Alan Johnston 29 M
    Anthony Peter Kelly 29 M
    Martin Kenneth Wild 29 M
    Peter Reuben Thompson 30 M
    Stephen Francis Harrison 31 M
    Eric Hankin 33 M
    Vincent Michael Fitzsimmons 34 M
    Roy Harry Hamilton 34 M
    Patrick John Thompson 35 M
    Michael David Kelly 38 M
    Brian Christopher Mathews 38 M
    David George Rimmer 38 M
    Inger Shah 38 F
    David Hawley 39 M
    Thomas Howard 39 M
    Arthur Horrocks 41 M
    Eric George Hughes 42 M
    Henry Thomas Burke 47 M
    Raymond Thomas Chapman 50 M
    John Alfred Anderson 62 M
    Gerard Bernard Patrick Baron
  17. morrow

    morrow Visitor

  18. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Agree oz.. what people should see, are the faces of children and youngsters dying...
    But what the sun said ruined it all, showed how evil adults can be.. 30 years it took to get justice for 69 people.. £6000 and Penny's is what they got! Makes me sick!
  19. morrow

    morrow Visitor

  20. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    31 years... since they died!

    96 people were unlawfully killed... proven in court, Duckensfield apologises for lieing about the fans being responsible for what unfolded that day!

    31 years and no one is responsible!

    So who killed the 96 that died that day!
  21. morrow

    morrow Visitor


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