What exactly is it that allows you to remember things. Lately i've found myself remembering little, minute things from years ago that dont even matter. How the hell do things stay ingrained in your head?
I remember reading somewhere that scents can trigger our memory more than anything else. They said it had something to do with how important food is to us. And that does make sense...if you couldn't smell when milk has soured then you'd make yourself pretty sick. So, those smell related memories are important to us. or something like that. I'm tired.
yeah, I can relate some smells to different periods of my life. like when I used to suck my thumb and the way my hands smelled that made me really content. or the way my grandma's house smelled that made me happy.
I heard someone on TV say we often remember things we have an emotional attachment. For example, we don't have an emotional attachment to where we parked our car 30 minutes ago, so on occasion, there are folks who can't remember where they parked their car. I think that makes sense.