Just the tip

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by guy49, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. guy49

    guy49 Members

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    For those in an open relationship, do you play “just the tip” before putting a condom on? Do you consider it foreplay? Does your spouse allow it? If so , how long do you pay just the tip before putting a condom on ?
  2. olderndirt

    olderndirt Senior Member

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    The phrase "just the tip" is the one that my wife's first college lover used on her, but he already was wearing a condom. She told him she wasn't ready for sex, so he convinced her to let him insert the tip. Of course, he paused a few seconds and then rammed it all the way in. That was what she wanted, anyway.
    guy49 likes this.
  3. Vbnm124

    Vbnm124 Members

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    No glove, no love. I am turned on buy seeing my wife with another man but never without a condom , not even the tip. Wish that was not the case .
    They can use her pussy for the night but she is not going to make them a baby

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