I don't like not knowing if all these reputation marks I'm getting are positive or negative...no comments. I figure this sould be called the VBulletin passive aggressive feature...I can see it coming. So for now on I am using the rep feature to give hugs...maybe even a smootch or a slap on the ass
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 7river again." oh well, good vibes your direction.
Does it tell you when someone gives you reputation points? I guess no one has given me any then OK, I'm over it.
Yeah, I read that if you give too many or take peoples reutation away for no good reason the moderators can tell...because they are demigods.
Daisy need love too! I would love myself, but apparently you can't masterbate in here! You must wait for others to "give it to you". Really, I just wanna see how it works....
Ok, I just figured out that if you have a disabled reputation, you don't see your messages..... Now that I have it enabled, I have some love......and some hate. Delightful. Oh, well, you take the good with the bad.
i just enabled mine and i had 5. 2 had comments. one that said i always enjoy your posts and one that said you're awesome. yippy , that is nice to know. but i dont know who sent them. that kinda sucks. i am fairly certain that they are from people i caht with often. but it would be nice if it was someone else just telling me that they like me. dammit, why cant i know