Not sure this is even the right place for this. But I have been reminiscing about my old girlfriend that I used to live with. Like most of us here I've had my share of sexual encounters both before and after her. For me (male) sex with a female partner is always good. However sex with my ex was unimaginably good. Sliding ones erection into a females vagina feels good. However with my ex it felt tremendous - almost unexplainable. When sliding into her wet pussy it felt as if I was sliding into a velvet lined tight crease. Just that initial penetration just felt so pleasurable, so good. I used to tell her when I was sliding in it just felt so fine, so right, so pleasurable just so incredible. She would she would chuckle and say, "well yeah, you're sliding inside of me, it should feel good"! But it was so much more than that. It was like a key sliding into a custom made lock. It just felt like the perfect fit of penis and vagina. Then to look into her hazel blue eyes and fondle her perfectly sculptured breast was like living in a fantasy. Sex with her was not good, it was not even great, it was over the top fabulous. It wasn't as if sex together was tremendous once in a while, it was unimaginable every experience and it was often. She would always say we were each other's Ying and yang. Truth is, were like a drug to each other and we needed each other as our fix. I have never had a sexual partnership with anyone like that before or after her. I imagine I never will. Nothing was off-limits and no place was off-limits. I am certain a book could be written in regards to our escapades. But it's possible people would not believe it! The memories, for better or worse, will be with me for quite some time. Sorry as this a little long. Thanks for letting me reminisce here.
Sounds like you have a beautiful thing going. Enjoy every minute because it is special. So happy for you for what you have and that you recognize what you have. When I was packing some stuff moving out, my ex wanted to make a pack that we would get together once a year for a day or weekend. As enticing as that sounded, I knew it could never happen. We would most certainly end up in bed and that would not end well. Like I said before, we were like a drug to one another and one of us certainly would get hooked again. Thanks for listening and for understanding.
As passionate as we were together (people that knew us thought we made the perfect couple. Strangers would come up to us when we are out and comment on us as a couple. People wished they had/would be able to find what they saw in us) our aurgements however were equally as passionate. There where outside issues that were just to much to overcome. In an alternative universe it could've been a different situation. It was sad and not easy to walk away - for either of us. But maybe a necessary at the time.
Seems like a number of similarities in our relationship it sounds like you can relate. But it also sounds like you really have it together at this point in your life. You make some very sound and what I assume educated comments above. Many of which hit home. It sounds like you and your partner have worked out some compromises and both have made some adjustments - allfor the better. Solid relationships don't come easy. There is work involved. But one both people in a relationship can come together and work it, it really is a powerful thing.