Something to go along with your trip..."]Global Communication - 76:14 [Full Album] - YouTube"]mighta tripped (but i won't fall) ORIGINAL by MiMi - YouTube
No it's stems and caps...just hard to tell thru the bag. I took 2 grams but didn't trip that hard...I had taken a hit of LSZ 150 micrograms that same morning and didn't trip that hard off it either but it was still fun. I think it was because I had already tripped the same day, plus if had some bentos hanging around in my system so that's probably why. So I'm gonna save my next trip for next weekend and try to make sure the bentos are out of my system since they seem to cancel out psychedelics. Next time I will take 2 hits of the LSZ, and if I feel like it I may eat the rest of the shrooms so during the trip....or make shroom crystals, and eat the leftover shroom material as well as to not waste anything
if you make those "shroom crystals" and eat them along with the leftover shroom material...for the same trip....then what was the point? you could have just eaten the shrooms and saved a lot of work. also, that is about the crappies picture of shrooms that i could have hoped for
They look better out of the bag...I know it's a bad picture Could I inject the shroom crystals...I hear IV psilocybin is a lot like DMT, and then eat the leftovers. Also, do u think the benzos were the cause of the weak trip to the fact that I tripped on LSZ the same day already. The LSZ felt weak too, so they could have been weak shroom, and the LSZ could have been weak too, but I doubt that both would be weak.