Just moved to vegas, thoughts!

Discussion in 'Nevada' started by DoinMeSince93, May 18, 2012.

  1. DoinMeSince93

    DoinMeSince93 Member

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    So I moved here about a month and a half ago from Metro Detroit Michigan ,
    It's.... different & the scene is completely different as well , tons of underground dubstep/trance/house & other techno groups.
    I've noticed a lot of these kids out here are young as hell already doing insane amounts of drugs, I myself started at age 14 experimenting with all kinds of drugs, but everyone looked at me as a "bad kid" or was really looked down upon...
    I've been to first friday twice already and I fucking love the whole scene , decent music altho it's nothing compared to detroit techno..
    I've gotten ectasy twice there and the fucking things are LOADED with meth, tonsss of meth , and was really intense for me both times, not bad but sucks when you cant be fucked up in front of your mom (LOL) Even tho she knew i was fucked up it's still hard to enjoy.
    All and all it's nice here, I like it i've met some cool people but can't really seem to get my way into any groups that talk/act/dress like me , 90% of kids i've met are goth, emo, or industry , where as i talk with axe from detroit haha & I sag / wear polos and snapbacks.
    One thing i keep seeing is a common intrest in drugs.. it's really funny.

    Another thing that was dope is I went to Mt charleston and climbed a mountain w/the fam (didnt use the trails -_-) but I smoked some Spice behind the waterfall , which was pretty wicked & got drunk too so it was a good experience.

    Only thing I'm having a hardtime with out here is friends / finding some peyote which i'm very interested in ...

    Share your vegas stories, or help me find a way to get some drugs :) i'm bored as fuck over here.
  2. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

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