Just met + Sex = slut? Also my sex opinion.

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by purcolekraze, May 28, 2004.

  1. purcolekraze

    purcolekraze Member

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    That's usually how it goes. I wish it just didn't matter if you just met someone and you fuck them. Everyone wants to do that but some people don't because of hte titles that come with it. It's not about caring about what people think it's just what you think but getting called those titles is hurtful. I wish having sex wasn't that big of a deal.

    I am still a virgin, I'm only 15. Half of the frechmen girls and boys in my graduating class have sex all the time. Personally I think it is too young but, everyone goes by different morals and ethics. I think it is okay to start having sex with someone if you were with them for at least two months. I still think that fifteen is too yound. I know thirteen year olds that aren't virgins.
  2. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    whenever i meet a 15 year old girl, she has sex with me right away.;) so i really cant understand what youre saying.
  3. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    so i guess it wasnt meant to be huh, i am too old for you..................
    :D you should move to my town you wold fit right in................
    seems you have a common intrest with all the GI JOES here...15 year olds
    HAHAHAHA Sorry Stranger just had to jump on that one...................
  4. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    youre not too old for me, youre married! id actually love to date a women in her thirties, but they're all mean to me.
  5. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    i know lol

    anywhoo are they really mean to you, that sucks...........
  6. Bug_Man

    Bug_Man Banned

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    I can't even get a 20 something year ols to look in my direction .............
    and I'm a hottie!
  7. Jimmie

    Jimmie Member

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    hello purcolekraze .nothing ronge with thinking about having sex at 15 .your doing the right thing ,gust think on and on you will meet the right guy .then nature will take its place .plenty of time .peace and LOL.
  8. hippychickmommy

    hippychickmommy Sugar and Spice

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    Not everyone wants to have sex the first time they meet someone. I didn't have sex with my husband while we were dating, until after a year of being together. Sure, I thought about it, wanted it, but I wasn't ready yet. But I never felt that I wanted to jump in the sack with him the very first time I laid eyes on him. I think that might be more of a male hormone thing. ;)

    These 15 year olds that are having all this sex could also be making up stories or exaggerating. I know that even when I was a teenager, I felt "out of the loop" because I wan't having sex. I would make up stories that I HAD done it, because I felt embarassed. For some reason, virginity isn't "cool" and people think that there is something wrong with you if you aren't out sleeping around. It wasn't until my junior year of high school that I got tired of the charade and admitted that I had never had sex, and I was hoping to wait until I was married, or at least wait until I found someone that I loved and cared for. A lot of guys don't want to hear that, so I got dumped on a lot because I wouldn't put out. It bothered me, yet I knew it would bother me more to be the talk of the school and have my most intimate moments shared with everyone.

    I think that it's awesome that you're still a virgin. I'm not going to preach that you should wait until you are married, because although that would be a good thing to do, I know that in this day of age, it's rare that someone actually does that. Even myself. I've only been with one person and that is my husband, but I did lose my virginty to him before we were actually married. I started having sex with him two years before we got married. ;)

    Anyway, what's the rush. You have many, many years ahead of you to explore sex. I know that your hormones are probably going haywire, but if you feel doubts about having sex, then don't. Wait until you really feel ready. Wait until you find a girl who really rocks your world. I'm sure it will be worth the wait. :)

    Like the saying goes "condoms are easier to change than diapers". *lol*

    Good luck no matter what, and be safe!

    Peace, love, and happiness.

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