when you think about sex is honestly one of the most disgusting acts imaginable! you insert your body into another person's body while you generate one of the worst smelling scents in the form of musk, and than you secrete a viscious fluid (generally considered to be overall nasty) into the other person. and if that person is a female she is forced to generate a largly parastic organism until it comes back out the hole it was shot into. and subconciously we know its disgusting thats why we have alot of our feishes such as facials for example, the appeal behind facials is that the girl who is receiving the facial is doing something so gross and so deplorable that its arousing. its just weird to think about one of the most sought after things in society is actually one of the most disgusting
i don't see the act as particularly any more gross then life or lunch, but actual genitalia aren't exactly things of beauty.
not trying to justify anything just posting a statment of fact that occured to me and i found to be interesting
Sex, in a social standpoint is unusual. The compromising positions and acts, the way the body reacts, how people talk about sex, the naked body, etc. It's all weird. But, I wouldn't say that it's disgusting. Unless, you have been through some sort of sexual trauma. Sex in a micro standpoint should and in most cases is fun, loving, beautiful, and exciting. So, don't think about sex in a macro standpoint. Because that's probably why you think it's disgusting. Unless, it's something else.
I think about the same thing sometimes. It's surprisingly a very dangerous thing to consider. It turns out people are very invested in sex being, without question, beautiful. You're not even supposed to question whether engorged parts of your body entering other sticky, drippy parts of a body and shooting out sticky, snotty things into it is beautiful. But it's not even like just QUESTIONING its beauty is going to ruin sex for everyone. Which makes me believe that though we think we're engaging in one of the most physical processes imaginable when we're having sex, we're much more disassociated from our bodies and engaged in our psyches. The mind transforms the act into something fantastic. Something beyond its pure physicality. The female possesses an intangible beauty in her movements. She is fluid, a phantasm. The man just looks silly, though. But is it ostensibly beautiful? I can imagine an alien species whose appearance and bodily fluids we might consider to be really gross being just as invested in their sex lives as we humans are. What if an alien shot out sperm that looked and smelled exactly like human diarrhea which the female absorbed through a spiny, tonguelike appendage that came out of her mouth? But when you think about it, if the situation were reversed and the gross aliens saw us having sex, we wouldn't really be bothered by the fact that they thought it was gross. We would think they were cute and laugh at them. It doesn't matter.
What would you suggest In Vitro fertilization (IVF) and an artificial womb as to not damage your sensibilities? Yes it’s dirty, it’s primal, but it’s also the most natural thing in the world and if we were to cease having sex we would lose the best part of our humanity. Sure we would immediately stop killing one another but it’s not worth the sacrifice Hotwater
There you go, good example of what I am talking about. When you go and start thinking about other people having sex and sex in general, then it gets weird, icky and iffy. Unless you're enlightened enough to think about sex in a greater scheme, without bringing your emotional attachment, or lack of into it. But, most people aren't that enlightened. So, it's easier to think about sex within smaller aspects, such as an individual, a couple or subculture.
The OP starts a thread about just gross. Now look at all the dicks that hit this thread like its sausage fest Friday.
I think there are more men on this website than women, anyways. So, most threads would have more male responses than female. But, yea... I just realized I think I'm the only female in this thread. What the fuck is up with that? Where the ladies at? Stop having lives! You're making me look like I have no life. Or worse, making me look like I'm a man. I don't want to be a man, bro! It would be my worse nightmare. Actually, I thought the OP was a female. Azu or any variation of that username is a very common username in forums like this, and from my experience usually it belongs to a female. I also think Neon is a female. I'm not sure, though.
Only you can do that Now THAT would be truly gross, wouldn't it. Who the fuck you calling bro round here?
It's Saturday and I was really, really bored so .... I am TheGhost. Says so in my profile. $1M. All small bills. No consecutive serials.