Just Friends

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Ice_Cool, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Can a Man and a Woman be just friends?!! is this fact or fiction??

    I mean I have had a a girl (workmate) that I considered a friend, we used to go out for dinners and coffee togather but then she had left me just to find out later that she was actualy looking for a "boy friend".

    I think a relation between a man and a woman can never be "just friend" Women them selves will not stay with a man for long if she knows that they cant get sex with that man.

    Any word?
  2. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    I believe men and women CAN be just friends. I have many male friends that I've been close to over half of my life that I've never wanted to have sex with and they don't want to have sex with me. My husband has a friend that is a woman. They are very close friends and there is nothing like that there either. It is all more of a brother/sister relationship. I think it depends on the people involved.
  3. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    I'm very close with seven men I've known for more than ten years with no sexual desire and no sexual tension between us. Granted, one of those is my brother. There are five more I've known over ten years with whom I've either had a sexual history or one of us was at one point interested, and two more I feel close to whom I have known for fewer than five years. Some of those from the first group, I have known over twenty years. So. Yeah.
  4. TwistedYeti

    TwistedYeti Guest

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    It's hard for her to find a boy friend if she's got someone parked in the friend zone.

    Anyhow, a woman will say sure, men and woman can be friends and some even have male friends…homosexuals and bi-sexuals don't count. So how many of these supposed straight "guy" friends are in a committed relationship with another woman?

    Seriously, how many women here would be totally cool with their man visiting his female friend at her place without you? If you're okay with this, are you single and can I get your phone number?
  5. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Almost all of my male friends are married or in relationships. I get along fine with the wives/gfs. No reason for me not to. I love "my boys". A few of them have made bad choices when it came to women. I've tried to warn them but they dont always listen but later I can say "I told you so"

    My husband hangs out with his best female friend without me. They have gone to dinner without me. I'm fine with it. I trust them. She only lives a block away so we see her all the time. I'm not a jealous person. I figure i know who he is with. It's better than him having to hide a friend behind my back because it's a girl.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I have a few male friends but only one that I've been able to hang out with without him putting the moves on me. Every other male friend has either tried to drunkenly kiss me at some point or ended up confessing his feelings for me at some point.

    My one true male friend and I have been friends since we were kids so its really more of a brother/sister thing. Also, I used to date a guy that has a female best friend. I was totally cool with it because I sensed it was the same kind of relationship as I have with my male best friend. She and I eventually became best friends too, and then the boyfriend and I broke up but all 3 of us continued to hang out as friends.

    That's another thing, ex boyfriends can make the best friends sometimes as long as both parties give themselves time to grieve and get over the relationship. My ex boyfriend and I are able to be friends because we both know we were the worst couple ever so neither of us would ever be tempted to go there again.
  7. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    Yes mature men and woman can be just friends! If you can not be just friends with someone from the other gender you need to grow up. I have girls that I am just friends with and my lady has men that she is just friends with. We are all people why the hell not.

    People that get jealous of their partners being just friends with people of the other gender make no sense to me. Do you not trust your partner to be able to say no if someone comes on to them? Do they not have a mind of their own? Are you really that insecure with yourself that you are worried all it is going to take is someone paying a little attention to your partner for them to cheat on you? Jealousy is just a cancer to any relationship and not something anybody worth being with is going to enjoy.
  8. sadie_hippie

    sadie_hippie Member

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    This is a tough one because I've had good and bad situations with guy friends. I tend to make friends better with guys then girls as well.

    One particularly bad situation was with friends I had for several years. It was this guy and his wife (they were part of our group of friends). One day I went downstairs to get something I forgot and he shortly after followed me down there. Suddenly he grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall and starts force kissing me (wife upstairs mind you!). I freaked out and thank god I was training in muay thai fighting at the time because he was a semi-pro boxer. I ran upstairs immediately told his wife and surprise... she believed HIM! I was done with those people.

    Now I do have a very close guy friend in my life who I care about very much. We hang out and go to dinner on occasion but it's only friends. I have zero desire for him.

    One thing I always do when I am with a guy is to introduce him to my guys friends. They are usually pin on about your "friends" true motives. Because guys know guys.
  9. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    All of my male friends are in relationships, and only one of them is committed to another man. Nearly all the women are fine with my position in their dude's lives. I was here first. We've gotten each other through a lot over the years, and romances may come and go, but solid, dependable friendship does not. Anyway, I get along great with all but two of the significant others. One has made it abundantly clear she'd like me gone. I just point out to her that even though I was once engaged to him, she's the one he married. Also, I chose her ring, and she loved it. She's right to be concerned. He's totally cheating. Just not with me. The other one tolerates my presence. I pointed out to her that we were primarily friends, only ever had sex because she left him, and have never had sex while they were together. She calls every four or five minutes if we go out alone. It's annoying, but fine.

    I never worried about men I had monogamous relationships with when they had female friends. My husband has one female friend from school. I was jealous of his time with her when I wanted to be his girlfriend, but I realized quickly she was no competition. First of all, they had no apparent chemsitry. I don't think either was ever attracted to the other. Second, I could tell he trusted me more, was more vulnerable with me. Even if my marriage wasn't ooen, she'd be welcome to se him alone anytime.
  10. sadie_hippie

    sadie_hippie Member

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    I think sometimes it's not that you don't trust your partner it's that you don't trust this "friend".

    It's like the other night I'm driving with my son in the car and there's snow people driving crazy. I told my son it's not that you (the driver) don't know what you're doing but you're watching all the other drivers who don't have a clue.
  11. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    Yes some people have other intentions when they are playing the friend card! Happens more with men then woman in general. If you are in a good healthy relationship though why would you not trust your partner to make the right decision when someone does cross the line? If I didn't have trust with the person I was with I would not feel like I have anything.
  12. sadie_hippie

    sadie_hippie Member

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    I'm fine with opposite sex friends. However I do feel more comfortable with my man in some way also becomes friends with my male friend. Makes it much easier and removes all concern. Same goes with my man having female friends. I shouldn't be given a reason to question it beyond what it is.
  13. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    It is possible. I have male friends I don't have sex with and I'd like to, but I also have male friends I don't have sex with and I wouldn't like to have sex with.

    Sexual attraction won't happen between all people.
  14. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    I strongly disagree, while seeing your point OP.


    I think generally speaking when it comes to heterosexuals; men and women, boys and girls, can be friends. The proof of this exist in what we witness in real life both at school and work.

    Although, I do believe that if a hint of sexual-romantic attraction exists in one or both the male or female, a friendship becomes harder to start and maintain. Now when I say "sexual-romantic" that term means no only physical attraction to a person but also implies emotional attraction as well (a sense of closeness comfort and openness you have with said person).

    In that scenario that I described in the 2nd paragraph, I believe that the boy or girl has to move onto someone else they like romantically, or have the sexual-romantic attraction wear off a bit over time so the feelings are manageable. If those things cannot occur, then the friendship probably won't workout without one party feeling uneasy and uncomfortable (aka: the clinger scenario, or fixation).

    It's perfectly possible that you meet someone, like them initially, and then they do/say something and it completely SHATTERS whatever attraction you had for them despite their good looks, the act of getting to know someone of the opposite sex in the friendship made you lose interest in them romantically/sexually. (I've found this is often true of more women, since they pay more attention to nuances in communication, word meanings/tone, and the stage of maturity their, both potential and current, male partners are in. But this is also true of males, myself and a friend of mine for instance, have often had a female friend we liked and then she did or said something EXTREMELY offensive and although she was a 10 in the looks department...I no longer wanted her as a serious relationship.

    (Sidenote: At this stage, some guys would put a girl like that in the 'only good for her body can provide me' department)


    I have a similar setup, only with girls, kinda helping me vet, girls I'm seeing. Although in theory I am also aware of the possibility that a girl in my inner-circle might misuse her position of trust to drive other girls away so she can try to make a move on me herself...it's not likely.
  15. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    I think theres always a small level of attraction between heterosexual male and females.

    I have LOADS of friends, male and female. The males I've encountered on a personal and professional level have had some level of attraction for me (beyond the friend zone). Whether they act upon it or express it to me is irrelevant. It still existed.
  16. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Really? I see what you're saying and in principle I agree, but it's the fact that you said "always", because there are tons of times where I've met a girl and the attraction is just flat out non-existent, and she's just one-of-the guys.

    There's also this other younger girl who I knew/know (because technically we're still in contact) when I was approximately 9-10, and she was approx 6-7, who is downright beautiful and has a good personality, but for some unknown reason even back when we were kids, I NEVER felt an attraction for her, when in theory I should have. We've even talked about this, and she admitted she had a little girl crush on me back in childhood, but that faded fast as she grew up. So now we're friends as adults and it's just chill, the fear of sexual tension shredding the friendship apart with awkwardness is just gone and that's nice to know.

    Anyway in regards to your post that I'm responding too, I think you seeing things from the female perspective skews your view a bit, and you probably witness the results you do because in a majority of cases physical appearance of a lady is enough to trigger a man's pursuit of a woman romantically/sexually. (You see this even in little kids too, albeit it's more innocent)

    Whereas, guys who pursue women for the purposes of friendship only are less common.

    In a criticism of my own gender, a sign of maturity in guys is when they pursue women as people, rather than just in the pursuit of romance or sex. I've found that guys who are still immature only go after women for sex, and unless they're really smooth about it, the ladies are EXTREMELY perceptive to what the guys really want and they react accordingly to either brushing the guy off or embracing them with respect to their own wants and desires.

    I will say that girls are so used to interacting with the latter types of guys I just described that they are caught off-guard by a guy who isn't trying to get into their pants. (their filters are skew'd or jaded)


    Agreed, and just want to say, this thought occurs to Fathers and brothers for their daughters/sisters/ or close female friends as well.

    This increases in scenarios where one knows that drugs or alcohol are present at the party/event/date the person is going too.

    I imagine Mothers/sisters/ and close female friends to a particular male they feel protective over react the same way.
  17. bob44044

    bob44044 Member

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    I'm sure that most females think that they can be friends with a guy and there will ne NO sexual thoughts going on, but that is rarely true. I can bet you that every guy, unless he is gay, has thought about having sex with you, they just don't move on it. Guaranteed.
  18. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I think men and women can be friends. If a guy thinks about sex with a woman...so what? I was great friends with my wife for years before we got together and damn near every time I was with her I thought....damn...I wish I could fuck her brains out! I never said a single word to her about it. I obviously ended up with her but it was after being friends for 7 years. I'll tell you guys that story some other time.
  19. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    You keep promising this story. Are you ever going to share it?
  20. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I promised that story before? I must have forgot.

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