Just Found True Love

Discussion in 'True Love' started by rightnow269, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. rightnow269

    rightnow269 Members

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    57 and three marriages. Found the ultimate love recently. She is 56 Asian and Thai. I simply love everything about her and there is nothing I would not consider doing or being part of to make her happy. She is receptive to every sexual fantasy and fetish I have. Nothing bothers me about her and she makes me rock hard past any other woman ever, just with the thought of her.
  2. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Congrats. Everyone deserves to find someone they love.
  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ^LOL.... just the other day, I thought of this song........

  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Hen Pom Nay kwaam Fan Kong Khun

    เห็นผมใน ความฝันของคุณ
  5. Hookedoncookie

    Hookedoncookie Members

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    I am 44 and I am a recent convert. I fell in love with my best friend. She has changed my life in so many ways. I have one small problem and I am unsure what to do. I need advice. When we first got together, she was all over me. Now, she doesn't touch me. We kiss, we make out, I can do whatever desire I want to her. Then she just stops and goes to sleep. I was single for a long time and I know all about self pleasuring but, I don't want to. I am a mom of 5, let's face it, my vagina is wrecked. She says she is attracted to me and I turn her on and she loves me. She will touch my breasts when we make out. She will touch my ass alot. But she never goes for gold in the cookie jar. I have brought this up in a way to say i need her. I desire her, but it is always seems by her as me complaining about the lack of sex or the lack of her touching me. She will say she is letting me down. I told her, I am getting older and my libido is slowing. I am lying. I die every time we get intimate becuase I know she will show no need to touch me. This one thing is literally our only issue. My question, is this an issue? I read several articles and this is my first lesbian experience. Most articles say some lesbians are just givers they don't receive, or they don't give they receive. Are we like that? Are we ok?
  6. loony-moony

    loony-moony Members

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    I have a problem with my boyfriend and as I was corrected with depression. I did go to see a doctor and he told me pretty much the same: it’s all in my head, performance anxiety, stress and so on. I agonized for a long time but my friend recommend me one website for a dating. I meet very hot boy. Now I am happy. On ex-boyfriend I don't care. Friends, check it www.justcougars.com
  7. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Cheers Glen.
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  9. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Fixed it for yer ...........ในความฝันของคุณ

    Back to the OP,
    Thai girls don't love non-Asian foreigners ...... I'm not totally convinced they actually have any concept of love for anyone not blood related.
    ​That's an opinion formed after living here 8 years, and not seeing one successful Thai/Anglo relationship (including my own).
    And if you're 57 and she's under 40 .......... 555

    Advice for OP,
    Don't buy anything in her name in Thailand, rent or lease property in your own name, or on credit in her name.

    Advice for lesbian friends,
    Pocket Rocket ........... https://www.amazon.com/Doc-Johnson-Original-Pocket-Rocket/dp/B0007N5DSO?th=1
  10. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Lesbian love is much stronger than hetero feelings. I know this because I have lesbian friends.

    by: A Guy

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  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    ??? You fixed - See me in dream of you - to - in dream of you ???

    Ok, I'm going to give you a lecture now, since you have given me enough information

    1. OP in this case, in this thread, said three marriages, and now it seems he's headed for his forth.....seriously, come on!

    He is basically just telling every female thats going to read this, that either everytime he gets bored of shagging one, he is on to the next one, or probably more accurately everytime she gets fed up with having to fake like shagging him, hes on to the next one

    2. "I'm not totally convinced they (thai women) actually have any concept of love for anyone not blood related."

    Seriously, back to the OP, once the fourth one hears he was already married three times, what do you think she is going to think, does that scream longevity. Knows going in at most she is going to get 5/10 years out of this guy, no matter what bullshit they say to each other

    And you, you mentioned your local girlie bar, again, good on you for looking after the sister, but I assume you married this woman, but were still frequenting the girlie bars.....and you wonder why the relationship broke down? Seriuosly? Maybe you convinced yourself she never knew

    Dude. look around you, especially somewhere like Phetchabun. any of the rural provinces, shit is everywhere....by the roadside selling food, how many times do you see grandma, too aunts, the mother and the kids....where the fuck are all the guys? They are raised with this stuff, from very early on, see everyone elses big sister have a baby with a guy, then not too long after he's off. Used to guys not sticking around well before they meet their first falang

    I get how it makes them look cold to you guys, but really, that stuff is ingrained

    And when you falangs get together bitch and complain and agree with each other face to face in that context, you do think any of those other falangs actually believe you dont just want to move on to a younger hotter girl, or if shes older its because shes a nympho, or just stick to girlie bars because it actually works out cheaper and/or you are not actually interested in the 300 relatives

    3. Youve never seen a thai/anglo relationship work....have you ever really seen an anglo/anglo relationship work?

    I put it to you that all guys the world over are disposable in a way and that part of the problem is relationships themselves, independant of which country you are in, which country the girl comes from. I can guess what happened with all the wives of your friends back home once they found out you married a thai woman ;)

    4. And the one that is most perplexing to me: Property

    Forget about the east for a moment, the Property trap in the west, something which EVERYONE seems to want to fall into- An asset thats going to take 3% in maintenance and fees a year, 4% in mortgage fees against an asset that if you are lucky will appreciate 10% a year...but that 10% based on the original buy price and that value doesnt compound annually....i.e an asset that even if you are lucky enough will appreciate 10% a year, once adjusted for inflation still puts you into negative territory compared to sinking the same amount of money into things that do compound regularly like your super or shares which will often do better than that 10% anyway

    For me, anyone is stupid getting too deep into property no matter where they are

    But "never buy anything in her name in Thailand", especially if its on her parents land, thus you dont even have to pay for the land, you could get away with building a half decent house for under $US 20,000

    Chump change compared to back home, back home thats a single years mortgage interest

    Then its just a function of how much you have, how cheap you are, whether $20.000 really means anything to you or not

    I see two main types of straight male falangs that come here:

    The first group: those that dont have enough money to begin with

    The second group: the fly in fly out worker types, that will spend 80 hrs a week on the oil rigs or whatever anyway, so doesnt really matter where the family is. will make that $20,000 in like two months anyway. I put it too you you dont really even see them

    To me it would seem, especially once kids are involved and she's raising your kids for you....even if you wanted to go nuts, 10 rai of land, build your own mcmansion, all in her name, still eye wateringly cheaper than the same thing back home. Which of course isnt as much of an issue if thats 3 years salary as opposed to 10 years salary. And its not like when the kids are 18 they are going to ignore their wealthy father.

    But thats somewhat counter intuitive, would require long term planing as opposed to thinking with their dick or short term emotional gratification

    I know 8 years in Thailand isnt enough for you to see clearly, a lifetime back home with almost all guys that may or may never set foot outside their own country isnt enough to get a clue

    And what happened with this woman? Did she find another falang?, hook up with a thai guy?.....or is she on the farm with the grandma, three aunts and their kids i.e the same way it happened 100 million times before you even set foot in thailand?
  12. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Relationships in the UK that worked,
    My parents, both pairs of my aunt/uncles, my cousin and his wife, both pairs of my next door neighbors, and the couple who lived opposite, and the next but one neighbors.
    They all had marriages that lasted from their 20s until the day one of them died (some are still both alive). All white on white and similar ages. The list is endless.
    I've had two marriages, first for 30 years, white/white, are you claiming 30 years is one that didn't work?
    Next is work in progress, 7 years so far.

    As for whoring, my brother in laws and my wife's fellow gang members want me go with them, not really the sort of people to whom I can say NO (easily).
    Nobody does (or expects) monogamy out here, my current wife certainly doesn't.

    Sorry, there' quite a lot of your post I don't really understand, so can't really make a reply.
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    We will agree to disagree on all those "happy" relationships.

    Yeah, yeah, I dont know all those people in the UK you mentioned...dont have to, its the same stuff everywhere. I'm sure there is something wrong with me, not everyone else.

    Let me ask you this though, If you had come to somewhere like Thailand before the first wife, cashed up, how differently would your life have gone.

    The culture shock for me is always returning home, all the nonsense entitled westerners complain about, jeesh
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  14. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Only been back once, earlier this year, have a passport for another 10 years now, probably dead before I need to go again.
    Never really talked to anyone beyond the 'how ya doing' level. Nothing to say to anyone in the UK.
    The guys over 40 don't seem to get much (if any sex) though.
    Would I have been happy remaining with the first wife and no sex if she hadn't cashed up ............... probably.

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