Just Bought A New Paddle, Tips?

Discussion in 'Spanking' started by Hendo77, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Hendo77

    Hendo77 Members

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    Purchased a new crocodile leather paddle off of LH for my girlfriend and I, we're pretty much into rough sex, cuffs, gags and I've only ever spanked her with my hand, so we were due an upgrade.

    I just wanted to know any tips, methods that you guys use. Pain isn't a barrier, I've used as much force as I feel is appropriate and she's never even used her yellow word.
  2. Khaleesi

    Khaleesi Members

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    Don't miss. And know that a paddle and is going to be way different. Aim center.
  3. cronin charles

    cronin charles Members

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    Maybe this is not appropriate reply but we never thought of buying a paddle there are times i have just been too bad and my wife is at her wits end so we both know i got to get paddled I just pick up any stick usually a skinny one in the shed and strip off and take the paddling I have earned in spades-----She is a great wife but there are times when i realize she has to vent her frustration on my naked butt and it hurts! Things are once again good between us after I get my bare paddling which i deserve No iisue of shame or embarrassment as only the two of us know
  4. Scharff

    Scharff Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You don't have to swing as hard with the paddle so keep that in mind. Also, you won't get sore from paddling her bottom but that doesn't mean she won't. Depending on the size of the paddle, it might be easier for you to get it across both of her ass cheeks and usually that feels good if you're the one getting spanked so Iwould try to aim it in a way that centers the paddle right over the crack and then paddle her poor bum.

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