I wonder and, by typing this, in a way I am thinking out loud. Fear has been driven into all of us, mostly by means of television. We are afraid of our neighbours and it makes us very suspicious. More and more people are afraid to get out. What do we do instead, we turn on the television and we get our anxiety confirmed by 'reality-shows'. Ok, we have all seen Bowling for Columbine. How can we turn this around? I love walking outside, through a forest, but also through a city. It is so relaxing to have no plan and just wander through the streets. When I am not walking from a to b but just walk, my mind is at ease and because of this rest in the mind I come in a lot of nice situations. But heh, that's my thing. People are made scared and insecure, and in my opinion communication is the thing we can work on individually. We have all these busy schedules because we have to show the world how great we are, but a lot of us lack the emotional interaction among friends we so preciously need. Why would you want to go to a job 80 hours a week if you can support your family with working 40. Change your spendingpattern in stead of your working hours. Communicate, share your feelings, express yourself in any way. It will give you a lot of satisfaction and less frustration We don't even make time to raise our children, and then blame it on the schools. To me, schools were made to educate children intellectually, to teach them 1+1=2 and Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Ethics and values, subjects that mean much more to me, should still be under the supervision of the parents. Raising children is not only beneficial for the children, it is not oneway traffic. We, as a parent, learn so much from it if we trust them. I am still under the impression that we can come very far with communication from personal up to global level, only if we dare to speak out our fears and desires. peace