See how the horses head is always looking at the ground? I do not like that. I know it scores well with the judges, not sure how this was judged at all, but I know in Spanish dancing horses they literally have to stare at the ground. I've never liked it. It looks unnatural. I loved the gown she entered with.
At the academy in Vienna I got into an exchange of words about it with a trainer once. I just thought it was cruel and so unnatural looking. We used to spend a fortune going to see them in Vienna, a show cost a few hundred Euro and we'd go multiple times a year but not anymore, I like equestrian now it's a perfect example of how a horse should be, just enjoying what they do.
I do like a jousting horse though. Very big and very strong but their heads are up, cause they gotta almost run into the next horse. Don't get me wrong, I always love horses and love them dancing, I just know when I'm looking at my phone I'll get a sore neck and they are trained to stare at the ground in routines so I think these days as I care a touch more about things in life, I don't like what I see there.