I'm wondering that myself. I believe this site will help find something all across the board? Pride Finder - LGBTQ Pride Events Calendar
I've never been to one before. I would like to go at least once. Thing is only 3 people know about me in the real world. I have no shame. I just happened to be a private person in the real world and online.
Neither have I, only my current gf and several past gfs know, and of course the online guys I've met up with, I still want to live in the world of friends I have. But I want to experience being "out"
My wife knows. I came out to her 14 years later. I also want to live in a world with what little friends I have now. HIP knows. But yes. I want to experience it also.
The last Pride parade I attended (the last time I lived in a big, diverse, metropolitan area, before moving to the buckle of the Bible Belt in a community so White you have to wear sunglasses) was right after Obergefell v. Hodges; what a fun, beautiful, life-affirming celebration that was! Anyone who can should bless themselves with their participation. Happy Pride month everyone!
Except that due to Covid - 19, many of the 'Pride' demonstrations and celebrations have, once again, been cancelled this year.
I've been to parades in the '70s and 80s... New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Come to find out I don't like crowds, loud people, and being in the hot sun for more than 15 minutes. So I pass.
A little town a couple of hours down the road had their first Pride parade a few years ago. I was all set to go, but I'd had a sleepless night the night before, and wasn't fit to drive, so I gave it a pass. The next year, we got there in plenty of time for the parade, only to find that they held it an hour early, and it was already over. (Who starts an event an hour early??!) Last year, it was cancelled due to covid. Same this year. *Sigh* Maybe next year. I don't want to go into the big city for the big city parade.
Just got my RSVP; we're having a Pride picnic at our local park, invitational and publicized by word-of-mouth only for safety's sake. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.
HOA told couple to take down Rainbow flag, so.... I think it's pretty; I'd leave the lights up all year.