I was brought up a devout Roman Catholic, and its' doctrine made a big impression on me which I still feel. I've been agnostic now for a number of years, but I still identify with a lot of the core of the Christian ethos. If you know much about the New Testament, you'll know that one of the teachings is not to judge others in case you are judged yourself. I like this idea a lot, well the first part of it anyway. It is so easy to condemn the behaviour of others. It puts us above them, and makes us feel better about ourselves. But I believe that to be a cheap trick, and can often lead to hatred and bitterness. Having said that, who doesn't judge? I do it all the time, and have to catch myself from doing it automatically. I think it is probably one of the hardest Christian teachings to adhere to in my experience. But by not judging others I think it frees you to get on with people much better in general, and have a less jaded view of the world.
I don't think I've personally hated anyone. But hatred surely comes out of judging people as the first step down that path.
What about judging pedophiles, murders and those that commit war atrocities (to name just a few)? Judging others is human but we ought to exercise reason, wisdom and compassion while we're at it.
This is a very troubling thing to me...having been brought up in the church. NOBODY seemed to notice that we are absolutely not supposed to judge others...why Jesus even said to those that would stone the woman - let those without sin cast the first stone. Yet nobody wanted to hear a speck of that kind of talk. I know because I was always the one that wanted to start "that kind" of talk. I can't help judging pedophiles and rapists and serial murderers...and to be honest I don't try to help it. They should not be in open society...but I do realize that is for God to judge their eternal soul. I "judge" them insofar as I don't want them to be walking around in public, in society - like many do today (especially the politicians). How these same judgmental people are fine with murdering unarmed people, and thrilled with white supremacy and love to pat themselves on the back and call themselves Christians so loudly also support multi-accused of sexual assault (as well as pedophilia) people in office is something I'll never understand until I cross to the other side...and I can only hope to understand then.
As a society we need to protect the population by imprisoning those who have been shown to be dangerous to others by their behaviour. But that is a legal process. I am talking about moral judgement rather than legal judgement. Morally condemning someone is what the Christain ethos argues against, in plain black and white ink. Who wouldn't want to morally condemn a paedophile? That's what makes the teaching so hard to follow.
That's also a part of what makes the teaching so impossible, at least to a sane person. Like you I was raised in the Catholic tradition but am now an atheist. There is no God that will judge us at the end of time so it is up to us fallible humans to do it now. Judgement is a perfectly normal thing for a human to do, but it has to be done right...and even then we will make mistakes. That's part of the reason I can't support the death penalty; too many innocent people have wound up on death row. As long as an innocent person, convicted wrongly, is alive there is reason to hope that his innocence will ultimately be proven. I'm not even really sure what the teaching is supposed to mean. Judging people based on their religion, skin color, sexuallity and so forth is just so obviously stupid that I can't imagine a rational person doing it. But judging those who have behaved inhumanly is not only normal but necessary. If the moral is that it is unethical to judge immoral people then the teaching itself should be called into question.
Lynn's right. It's a huge Christian sin to judge, it's said all the time in the bible lol. Yet I believe it's almost impossible not to judge because a part of your curiosity or even to stay safe is based on the judgements you have on the people around you. I suppose if people weren't shit and did awful things like they do and we all lived harmoniously then it would be easier not to judge people for we all truly equally living together. But people suck. We have to judge.
Even though I am a believer I can assure you all I am not necessarily welcome in a church, not when I express my opinion...and "help them to understand" that my ideas or beliefs are not up for discussion to be changed...and after a time I'm not going to be interested in what I've already said nor to justify what I feel and believe... I am not a child...I have lived with and had questions...I am not perfect nor have I always lived as I "should". Certainly I lead a completely different life than I once did...but NEVER NEVER EVER did I completely "forget" nor not know (in my heart) my deepest beliefs...ya know? I do think we are supposed to use a jot of sense when it comes to judging...and it is also using common sense. To judge these men who would be leaders - well the bible holds them accountable on an entirely different level. We are basically instructed about this...When one wants to step into the leadership positions, it is right to hold them accountable to higher standards. To me it would be impossible to not judge to some degree when one is also being held accountable to higher standards! The same goes (having to judge) for those caught or proven to be guilty of incest, pedophilia, rape, and some murders. I happen to believe some murders are justifiable. Beyond something as thievery, and even then, it seems to be up to "each his own". I don't see any sense in what many many people believe or judge anymore. I just know what I think and even how I judge doesn't necessarily coincide with what many many in the church seem to think and yet I DO judge and hold accountable certain other things. On both a local and national level, I see things/events happen and I am floored and sickened and they are thrilled.... OR I am thrilled and happy with something (such as pot being legalized more and more) and they are practically rending their clothes. lol I've watched as I've seen people take the letter of the law more seriously and/or carefully than they do the spirit. and they make it all about the letter. ...or something like that.
I've found some Christians really enjoy the judgement. It makes them feel good to think that you will be punished and that they will not. In theory the idea is to spread Christianity but when you don't believe them or have a lifestyle they don't like such as being gay they get real excited about Hell and what supposedly happens to you. It never seemed very Christian to me to get such joy out of that. But I guess to them it's like a "see I told you idiot haha" sort of thing. Not all Christians are like this but I came from a very judgemental Catholic family and I saw it first hand. So much so that because my mother was a Methodist I was mostly ignored and put down by this family. I was technically baptized a Catholic. I never went to church or anything but as an infant it was done. Still I was trash and it was sad to me. My poor father is the only one without a Catholic spouse and even though some of my uncles did things like run methamphetamine labs and attempt murder they still got more love from the family because at least his wife was not a filthy believer of the dirty not really Jesus forms of being a Christian in their eyes. So much of their identity is that they were special and would enjoy that being proven to them one day. Catholicism is much heavier on guilt and punishment of non-believers than other branches of Christianity. Only love conquerors hate. It's not your problem to worry about fixing other people or making them live like you. "God" is really quite forgiving and it does not matter if you are an atheist, Hindu, or anything else not Christian. You still have the ability to live your life in a kind way and have spiritual growth as a soul in a human body. You are allowed to make mistakes. That is what I believe is the important thing. People who do truly bad things like commit a mass shooting makes us angry we want to hate them. But the god energy will sort it out and their karma will come back to them. Some of them will learn, and some souls have no interest in that and are fine existing outside of heaven as a Christian would call it. There is no Hell in sense of place of pain and fire. Hell is the lack of god's light which is what most of seek. It's a good place for us but for the evil it's not. I believe evil exists on earth on purpose as well. Some souls or entities are here only for pain and chaos it is what they crave what Christians would call the devil but he's not a red man with horns. We all get upset no one is perfect but you are still the same as your fellow humans. Judgement is anger and anger is like holding onto a hot coal. Only you will be burned by it. It's likely the other person is not even affected. I am not perfect sometimes people's views on life that I find cruel and uneducated upset me. But I feel so much better when I just let it go and remember they probably have a good side and one day they will hopefully grow. Any god who worries about such trivial things as what religion you are is not a god worth my time. And that's the Christian judgment you are not just like me. Some Christians seem to think that you can be a saint and if you cal yourself a Buddhist or something it's automatic hell. They portray god as an insecure girlfriend.If you don't constantly remind me you love me with very specific language I will punish you. Come to this specific place every week (church) and love me even though I am everywhere and also speak to no other women (gods) or I will punish you. Doesn't the phrase "have no gods before me" imply there are other gods you can pick? A rose by any other name is still a rose. Look at the bigger picture of your human experience. God being so concerned over your praise is like a human being mad the ants don't worship it. The spirit world is vast and it does not need your approval it just is.
Judge the sin and the risk of someone repeating it, not the sinner. This is still from a christian perspective. I personally would replace 'sin' with 'misdeed' or something like that and 'sinner' with 'culprit' or 'offender'. As all the whole sin stuff is essentially bogus to me.
Religion is a decent gig. Tax free money for life. No calluses on ones hands from actual work. Congregants enthralled by your very presence week after week, freely providing one a lifelong income for repeating words spoken/written over a thousand years ago. Sweet deal,IMO. Hmmmm. Wonder what's causing all that strife around the world?
At times? How 'bout in ancient times until right now today? From selling absolutions on street corners to air conditioned dog houses, to backing Roy Moore, who is a known racist and a real nut. It never seems to stop. But then, humans are involved , so----------------
Abuse and corruption is indeed of all times. But it's not the essence or original purpose of religion/religious practices. I don't blame you for seeing that differently but really just because it has always been a part of it, doesn't mean its all about that. Kind of like with humanity itself Since sin can be replaced with misdeed i would say it depends on the motive why someone judges oneself. It can easily be a virtue too. It may also depend on how someone would act on their own judgement