Journalists struggle to protect the First Amendmant. REED BRODY: Thank you very much. Thank you very much, and thank you for being out here. Let me just say that Amy Goodman was always a free woman. I think when the state, when the prosecutor misguidedly decided to file charges against Amy Goodman, she decided—he decided to go after the wrong person. Amy Goodman is not intimidated. And this dismissal, this rejection of the charges, is a complete vindication of the right of a journalist to report on the truth and, more importantly, the right of the public to know what is happening with the pipeline and with the struggle of the people here to protect their water and to protect their land. AMY GOODMAN: It is a great honor to be here today. The judge’s decision to reject the State’s Attorney Ladd Erickson’s attempt to prosecute a journalist—in this case, me—is a great vindication of the First Amendment and of our right to report. We are not the only ones who have been charged. We faced misdemeanor. I faced misdemeanors. But I know there are a number of people who are going to court even as we speak here. Also important to point out other journalists who are being arrested. The state’s—the state’s attorney was attempting to stop journalism. The state’s attorney must respect freedom of the press and the First Amendment.
Don't miss these stories...Don't allow our freedoms to be taken away inch by inch. Freedom Of The Press is a big one! Pay Attention, Please! "Amy Goodman Is Facing Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline. That Should Scare Us All"
People don't seem to care. They don't care about this; they didn't care about the journalists arrested during the Occupy movement; they don't care about Julian Assange; they don't care that RT is being thrown out of the UK. I don't understand.