Journal #26, July 16

Discussion in 'Bi Sex Discussions' started by soulpoker, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. soulpoker

    soulpoker Senior Member

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    When I was in college and I had all kinds of wild and varied opportunities, I wish I didn't have any hangups about getting naked with another guy and kissing him, letting nature lead us into doing things that are fun, exciting, interesting, intimate, erotic, sensual, liberating, relieving, ecstatic, natural, healthy and beautiful.
    If you're a young adult, at the age where you're barely legally and morally free to be sexual but not yet expected to make such decisions that will affect the rest of your life, I strongly urge you to consider casting aside any sexual restrictions (within reason, I mean we're restricting the topic to consenting adults) you have been burdened with while growing up and being open to your true self. Don't let what your parents, peers, schools, religion, etc. have imposed on you influence what is on the table for you. That table belongs to you! You only live once, and before you know it the opportunities pass you by. I realize it's a cliche but it's still so true. If you try something and you don't like it, at least you know from experience and you move on. If you never try, you keep wondering "what if." Another cliche that also rings true is "the unexamined life is not worth living." If you don't question yourself, or worse, suppress things, you're not growing as much as you can and maybe even working against yourself. It's not a healthy way to live.
    I'm not necessarily recommending forcing yourself to do things contrary to your nature. I'm just saying do your best to identify what is in your nature and what has merely been normalized by outside sources that doesn't necessarily vibe with you, and do what's best for yourself.
    thesantos29 and dd788snipe like this.

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