Ah, Lucky 13! What's on the agenda for this specially numbered journal entry? Anal sex! I really desire to have anal sex performed on me, by men and women. I anticipate it will feel awesome, as a lot of people have suggested. And I'm dying to experience an orgasm from prostate stimulation from behind alone. But there's a symbolic importance too. I consider my anus the most vulnerable part of my sexuality bodily. Almost all of us grew up with the notion that putting anything in a guy's butt is gay. So all good Christian heterosexual men closely guard the virtue of their bootyhole. I accepted my bisexuality about two years ago, but I have yet to be with a guy. Letting a guy put his erection in my most guarded place would further validate and celebrate the homosexual side of my bisexuality. I wouldn't be afraid to become a fag anymore lol. Embracing anal penetration would also mean I reject the notion accepting a dick up your ass is something to be afraid or ashamed of. In similar terms letting a lady strap one on and go at me would symbolize my willingness to let go. It would mean I am willing to do anything to give her pleasure, even offering my untouchableness to her, or to declare I care more about her happiness than my ego and insecurities.
My ex and I started down the path to anal shortly after we started to have sex. She always wanted to do a guys ass and I was willing. We found ourselves in high end sex shop and had a chat with one of the sales guys. He made a lot of suggestions about what we should try and ultimately buy. We walked out with a strap-on and had a great time back in the hotel room. I miss those days.