Jor#4 Microdots To Powerfull Or Is Just Me?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by PeregrinoPR, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. PeregrinoPR

    PeregrinoPR Members

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    Hi I will try to make it short.

    I took some micro dot 150 U, they are realliy small like a bb pellet. I used to take blotter from 100 u to 700u but I manage to handle the trip and have a 6 hr trip(peak). But I took 1 dot of 150u and deaammm very very powerfull trip, kick me in 30 min and had visuals for 8 hours and the trip last like 14 hrs, I had to use some panadol pm to cut the feel and sleep. I never had that experience, very strong experience, heavy visual, lose track of time.

    I live in a island I took it and go to the beach, the water was purple, green and the blue, clouds were vibrating and shapes like creatures and gods. Very powerful geometric shapes. I played like a kid in the water. I closed the eyes and very powerfull images, realistic like video games. I saw from forest to galaxies exploding and molecules sparkling.

    Downsides I had a pee feeling all the time, pee couple times but the filling dont stop. Vomit 2 times in the 8 hour and 12 hour. By the 10 hr I was paranoid like o fk I going to have brain damege, I had like to much energy but I was tired. Maybe the sunburn and the sand give me a bad trip. I was desperate to get home a shower. The other day was like very relax and very rested. 4 days ago I took half of the dot. I didnt had visuals but the energy was the same, like my heart and nervous system very active. I dont know but one of these dots are more powerfull that 600 u in bottlers.

    Well please let me know your opinion. I think is real LSD but never know. Maybe the bottler were RC and this is the real deal. I just have like 10 trips with bottlers before the dot. I used for migrane and explore myself. I bougth 50 of these thinking that I will use 2 or 4 for trip but hell no.

    I attached a pics of the dots.

    Love to all.

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  2. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Blotter is notorious for being inconsistent in dosage due to it being the most susceptible to degradation from light and oxygen. More often than not, by the time it reaches the end user, it has degraded somewhat from the originally advertised strength.
    Pill forms are much more stable and the LSD does not degrade as rapidly because it is bound up in the material the pill is formed from.

    My guess is simply that the blotter you had previously wasn't as strong as advertised.
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    If this is the "JOR" I know of that guy is well known to be legit. It would not be easy for this person to sell something as LSD that is not LSD if you got this LSD from where I think you got it from. Too many people can talk to each other if it is not good and there are people who test the product in a lab to confirm what it is. :sunny:

    Sounds like good Acid to me. The vomiting happens sometimes on very high does but in my experience much higher dose than a few micro dots. They could be strong or your own body chemistry is more sensitive. Also the quality of the LSD synthases is a big factor in the quality of the trip. For example one can make LSD but not clean the impurities out well. To do that requires a lot of skill from the chemist. So there are some who get as far as having LSD but are not skilled enough to really make it very good LSD. When you get good clean LSD it's a whole other world compared to the dirty.

    If you take some 4 days latter and notice the results are not as good I would say it's tolerance or perhaps you did not store the LSD well and it degraded. But tolerance is more likely. Micro dots are excellent for preserving LSD so unless you left them in extreme heat I think they are OK.
  4. PeregrinoPR

    PeregrinoPR Members

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    The seller told me is a needlepoint swiss xtal. 98%. Is a very good trip veeeery good, but I dont like that last very long 14 hours is to much for me. No taste in the pill, no numbnes, no hold in the mouth like RCs. Maybe the Vomit was that I had to take a boat to the island,

    The seller told me is a needlepoint swiss xtal. 98%. Is a very good trip veeeery good, but I dont like that last very long 14 hours is to much for me. No taste in the pill, no numbnes, no hold in the mouth like RCs. Maybe the Vomit was that I had to take a boat to the island,
  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    a boat ride and too much sun would account for vomiting.
    Lisamarie likes this.
  6. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    One reason a lot of chemist don't go to great lengths to clean/purify the LSD because you lose considerable volume for negligible gains in subjective effects, so financially it isn't always the best choice to wash it a lot.

    tolerance to LSD is almost immediate and takes at least a week before you would get the same results from the same dose.
    waiting a month or so between trips is best.
  7. PeregrinoPR

    PeregrinoPR Members

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