Joint Filters

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by hahaha04, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    Ok so i know a lot of people in Europe, like to use a little piece of paper as a sort of filter for the end of a joint/spliff. Here where I live currently in the US, not many people do that at all. I personally LOVE to add a crutch/filter/whatever you want to call it. What do you guys call it where you live anyway?

    Before rolling, the paper at the end is the filter.
    Normally when I want to add a little filter, ill rip off some piece of a business card and roll it up, then put at end of joint. Today after class, a friend from college was smoking a cig with me and showed me this;

    They come in a little pack like miniature rolling paper size, and rip out. You bend the perforated site back and forth to make a zig-zag, then roll the UN-perferated around it like the top piece in the image.

    Just thought it was a nifty little idea. Also was given some Hempire brand papers, which are apparently awesome to roll with. Do you guys use a filter crutch? How do you make it? Why do you use em OR why not?
  2. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    damn it idk how to resixe image could a mod PLEASE help me out, i want this thread to look somewhat decent.
  3. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    i usually do, i find that it makes it easier to pass and i end up wasting less weed because i can smoke it right down to the end.
  4. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    oh my...putting the filter in the doobie BEFORE you roll is a complete rookie noob move.....lame to the nth degree

    a pro....such as me....can roll a doob on canadas busiest highway doing 120 kph and then insert a filter without breaking a sweat

    ive never been able to master the elusive roll with one hand trick but I come close....I just drive with my knees for a spell while I twist one:)

    they are called ''filters'' and I will not touch a doob without a filter unless i'm hurting

    some people make the mistake of using ''too long'' filters....5mm wide is best
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    filter cannabis.. What is this blasphemy?

  6. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Some people where I live use them, I don't personally. I don't know why I don't use them honestly, guess I just never felt the need to take that extra step. I've never had any issues with not being able to get a good hit off the joint, so I just never bothered. I'm not opposed to them though, I have friends who use them and they do make it easy to get a huge pull

    I've heard it called a bridge, a crutch, a filter, etc.

    lmao @ rolling, that post was awesome
  7. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    i always roll with them in first, putting them in after is a noob move.
  8. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    everyone here does, we call them roach. which i think is what they call just the burned down butt of a joint in the US. Roach is also a verb, as in "can i roach your pack?" people tend to make them from greencard, which is the card in the back of a packet of rizla, but there isn't much of that, so people roach anything they can find. occasionally people call them filters, but this can get confusing, because they arent actual filters, and most people here smoke roll-ups and if you ask them for a filter, they'll give you one.

    people use to make a big deal of whether they made "mario" or "superman" roaches. this is the shape that the roach has in the middle, a zigzag or an s. makes literally no difference to anything at all, people pretended it did though, probably a good luck thing.

    It doesn't function as a filter at all, it just means that you can burn down to the end without burning your mouth, the end doesnt get all damp and nasty like people who roll sailor cigs.
  9. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    When I smoked I'd use a filter in maybe 20% of my joints. I'd take a small piece of the papers holder cardboard (maybe two inches by a quarter in in size) bend it back and forth like an accordian a couple times the roll the rest around the accordian. Sometimes slipping it in before the j is rolled sometimes after.
  10. ariekanibalie

    ariekanibalie Member

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    This is definitely the standard way of rolling a joint in the Netherlands. A lot of the coffee shops here have handy filter tip booklets they'll either give you for free, or otherwise there will be a little basket with individual filters and rolling papers you can help yourself to on the counter.

    Mind you, it doesn't 'filter' the smoke like a tobacco filter would - though it might filter a scalding piece of burning herb, preventing that from hitting your throat. The advantage is it provides a sturdier end, and it allows you to easily smoke that J all the way down to the last nuggin', without the need for tweezers. So you can just flick that roach like a movie star, then start rolling another.

    Oh, and it's definitely not a 'noob move' to roll the filter in with the joint. I've been rolling tightly packed, perfect cone-shaped joints like this for a good 20 years now. Honestly, it would seem a lot more noobish to first roll one of those tampon-shaped doobies that you can light up on either side, only then to have to try to squeeze a filter in afterwards. Then again, at this age, I like to think I'm above calling people 'noobs' for how they choose to go about things.
  11. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Sometime's I pre-roach, sometimes I stick it in after. Pre-roaching is less effort, but if I'm going for aesthetics(which is important to me for some reason :p) then I roach afterwards, it tends to make nicer looking doobies.
  12. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    :D ^ that's what I was thinking...never even heard of such a thing!
  13. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    the term filter is misleading, but that's what everyone here calls them. mouthpiece would probably be a better term.
  14. broony

    broony Banned

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    If you roll it right you will have enough paper on one end so when the bud is done, its done, no need for filter.

    it seems rare to see people do this consistently. I can't.

    Filters really seem pointless in general. Its a commercial cigarette thing. I also enjoy rolled tobacco over anything that comes in a box.

    Filters... no..
  15. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    I dunno, getting bit's of bud/tobacco flying back into my mouth pisses me off.. the "filter" stops that. I also find it's a lot smoother to smoke, but all the goodness is still getting to you in the same way that it would if you don't "filter" it.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Don't waste weed, smoke bongs, save weed.
  17. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Can't chill with a bong though, you take a hit and then it's over.. I like to ease into it. I like to roll, take the time, think about how good this shit's gonna be, podge podge podge, twist, spark, shibbity bop, mm..

    There's a time for bongs, don't get me wrong, but I can't do that shit all the time.
  18. nectar

    nectar Member

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    Always Roach, it's the natural way of things, son't want a soggy flappy bit of paper that everyone has to pass around, licking each others spit.
    Of course it's not a plastic 'filter'. I have seen people doing that and I do wonder what is going through their mind.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I don't feel like I am wasting weed but I roll the dutch way with a little tobacco mixed into it. And yeah the term filter is misleading since it is a mouthpiece to hold the joint steady in your mouth and avoid getting pieces of weed or tobacco in your mouth while smoking which is unpleasant naturally.
    In the Netherlands we call these filters 'tips' and if I don't have a booklet of tips I use anything for a tip, from used train tickets to the paper of my smoking slim package.
    And yeah, I don't see why it is a noob move to lay the tip in the J before you roll it...? Whatever works best, but the majority here does it like that :2thumbsup:
  20. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    I would equate this with putting cream in coffee. I roll my joints like Lucky Strikes. I started smoking cigs with my Dad's Luckies. Quit cigs many moons ago. Never could smoke with a filter. Why would anyone inhibit good weed?

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