I really liked watching John...especially in "Uncle Buck". RIP http://www.nytimes.com/1994/03/05/obituaries/john-candy-comedic-film-star-is-dead-of-a-heart-attack-at-43.html
Watched uncle buck a couple of days ago, his finest I think, shows all of him, good, bad and very funny! Gone to soon!
I was reading the reddit rss feeds and someone posted that "news", I guess as a New Years eve joke. This morning at breakfast I said "You know John Candy just died." One of the monks says " He died a long time ago!." Then looked it up on the internet, and sure enough, he died a LONG time ago. So, sorry to have posted it as latest news, but I think I have finally crossed the line into the beginnings of senility!
monks?.....you cant just drop that bomb and not expect a query? these monks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2FxwTLeIqg or these monks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMxY21UJR-8 don't the second kind take a vow of silence?
I loved him too, being from Toronto I grew up knowing him... if you have not seen... look up sctv.. it was a show filmed in Toronto that I think started in the 70s. A low budget version of saturday night live but very good. So many actors from it went on to become famous. My cousin has a photo of him passed out drunk at a bar which was taken at the Stratford festival in Stratford Ontario. I had at one time the cardboard cutout for movie theatres for uncle buck, gave it to a neighbour who collected movie posters and stuff. Loved planes trains and automobiles.. I think that was my fav John candy movie.
Hey don't be sorry, it is nice to know that his films have had such an impact that people think if him as still alive, he truly was great at what he did and I have enjoyed reading what people have said about him. I don't think anyone can compare to him... his facial expressions, his smile... he was great at making people relate to him, connect with him on film with just a smile...or a look in his eyes whether it be hurt or laughing.
I have lived in a small Buddhist Monastery for 30 years. I did take a temporary vow of silence for about 6 months years ago. We have a web blog at.....https://openmind693.wordpress.com/