Joan Tollifson on the relation of addiction to capitalism-consumerism

Discussion in 'Buddhism' started by Ajay0, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    An insightful article by Joan Tollifson on the nature of addiction, on how capitalism focusses on creating desires and addressing them rather than needs, creating an artificial psychological sense of lack in the process and thereby pleasure addictions...

    Addiction and Compulsion

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Doctor Gabor Mate is a renowned expert on addiction. He too is critical of capitalism, and sees the stress it engenders in people as a primary cause of addiction and a wide range of physical illnesses. 'We live in a toxic culture.....'

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2018
    Ajay0 likes this.
  3. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    A similar theme stated by Samdhong Rinpoche ...


    I would say that a certain knowledge and understanding of the mind should be imparted in modern secular education so that children will not be conditioned to associate material success and gratifications with happiness solely while growing up, which can be a recipe for discontentment,depression and addictive behaviors later on.

    A happy, equanimious mind independent of circumstances and situations is also more productive in work and personal relations compared to an unhappy mind filled with cravings that prevent contentment and consequently peace and happiness for himself or herself.
  4. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    An article with a similar theme...

    Peeling Away the Promise of Desire


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