Jeremy Paxman scathing about the 'Snowflake Generation'!

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Boozercruiser, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    I found the below article in todays British Daily Mail newspaper.
    Jeremy Paxman is a highly respected BBC presenter and interviewer, and my thoughts are that I agree totally with his point of view as presented below.

    What say you?

    Jeremy Paxman, 69, says old people are the only section of society it is still okay to mock | Daily Mail Online

    Jeremy Paxman, 69, says old people are the only section of society it is still okay to mock while everyone else is off-limits in scathing attack on 'snowflake' generation
    • Jeremy Paxman, 69, bemoans how easily-offended 'snowflakes' have taken over
    • He launched a scathing attack on the ease with which so many take offence
    • Paxman even warns snowflakes 'have taken charge in government departments'
    Once he had politicians in his sights. Now for Jeremy Paxman it's political correctness.

    The former Newsnight presenter has launched a scathing attack on the ease with which so many take offence and how it means that the elderly are the only people you can make jokes about.

    He also fired a broadside at the health and safety brigade in a world that 'seeks to avoid all danger'.


    One comment below made by someone in respect of the article.
    Which I also agree with, particularly as many of the generation referred to here were either born either before or During World War 2.

    I am bemused by the youngsters who think we had it all and ruined life for them.
    I am a post war baby, grew up with not much, there was a shortage of many things, food raw materials etc.
    Lived in houses with no central heating, ice on inside windows in the winter.
    We had no car walked mostly, occasionally got the bus, had to do as we were told, there was discipline in those days, teachers, police were respected.
    We also respected our parents, if we lived under their roof we obeyed by their rules. However they may be right because we did appreciate what we had and in the main we were happy with our lot, there was not the sense of entitlement there is now.
    I was taught that what I wanted I must work for. Many of todays unhappiness is caused by envy and a sense that if someone has it I must have it too.
    Also we need kids to have boundaries and if pushed too far penalties to be imposed, fair and consistent so they know where they stand.

    Irminsul likes this.
  2. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    nah, people mock "snowflakes" all the time. this is one of those topics way too complex to talk about in sweeping generalities. There were easier things then, harder things then, vice vs.

    Do we really need to create extra sense of division? It's not enough to have political sides at war with each other... we should set the generations against each other too?
    And for what purpose?
    wilsjane likes this.
  3. lode

    lode Banned

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  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    These old people are really asking for it anyway.

    But yeah, lots of people are still mocked and ridiculed for lots of stuff (snowflakes is a good example, and a hilarious one at it as its in the post where the assertion is being made 'only old people can still be mocked'). Sometimes the mocking is criticized or convicted, EVEN when its about old people. So yeah, not sure how the OP comes to his conclusion in earnest (must be a whiny old fart :grinning:)
  5. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    This subject was discussed on The Jeremy Vine TV Show and in newspapers in general elsewhere Drift.
    This is a forum for amongst other things discussing controversial subjects, and testing all opinions.
    If anyone thinks this is a subject which shouldn’t be discussed then let’s shut down all the threads which people argue about.
    Starting with Brexit, but there are a few I could mention.
    If anyone is snowflakey about this subject, please do not post in it and perhaps go look in the gardening section to talk about someone’s plums or summat.

    And just to be clear.
    I am not trying to set generations against each other.
    I am just expressing an opinion that in general I agree with what Paxman is saying.

    If that is alright with you.
    That is?

  6. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    Trying to insult me is just showing your petty minded ignorance of the subject matter Asm.
    Is that the best you can do?
    I have the measure of you, and it isn’t very nice what I have found!
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Damn, which generation are you? Obviously the snowflake generation!
    I was merely mocking old people. What else is ok to mock after all these days... :(
    Driftrue likes this.
  8. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I'm pretty sure he was responding to the article and he is right in saying that "snowflake" is a pejorative term which undermines Paxman's argument.
  9. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    Why mock Old People Asm?
    If you live that long, you may be old yourself one day.
    Think about it!


    Look at me pic.
    I ain’t no spring chicken!:tonguewink:
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  10. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Just to be clear, I was discussing the subject. My opinion on the subject is that it is unnecessarily divisive, and I say that to Paxman, you, anyone else who agrees.

    I'm hardly trying to shut down a debate by giving my opinion, am I?
    Think about it
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It was in jest because of this thread. Of which as GB has adequately explained the premise is jaded.

    Everyone and the group they fit in can still be mocked. It may depend how one does it and for what reason.
    The term snowflake as has been discussed and pointed out on these forums before fits at least as well on whiners that piss on what they have dubbed as snowflakes.
  12. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    I was not aware this subject had already been discussed.
    But in the context of Paxmans opinion, I think there are other avenues for this subject to go down.
    But I am not going to try and justify any more my thread post.
    One can Just read it, discuss it, or go away and irritate someone else! :smile:

  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i like snowflakes, the real ones, until i get frostbite anyway.
    and the world would be a better place if more humans quit hating logic and were MORE offended by aggressiveness and their own egos.
    snowflakes with warbots to automatically fend off attacks so sapients could go on being creative without needless interuptions to their doing,
    the way sapience means and what it is for.
  14. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Snowflakes may be a phenomenon but they are not a whole generation, just a section of one. Paxman is a Tory, and I don't like Tories nor respect their opinions. "Easily offended" could be in response to sexism, racism or homophobia. And health and safety legislation has saved many lives over the years. I think Paxman is being an apologist for rude or crass behaviour or worse.
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I dislike sweeping generalizations such as "millenials are all entitled"
    Plus anyone who has ever worked with the public knows millenials are not the most entitled generation
  16. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    If I had to pick a childhood/teenager hood and be transported and live it, I'd go back and do the hard work and chores and all that stuff, over the pressures of growing up in social media land in a digital world primarily geared to addicting me to it and material goods.
  17. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    I tend to agree with Paxman, certain people in positions of power have become way too sensitive to certain things & this is part of the reason America has Trump's an inevitable backlash!!!
    Mustard Tiger likes this.
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i'm offended by the overuse of the word "scathing."

    yep. certain people, not everyone who isn't old.
  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I don't like the word scathing.
    It sounds like scabs.
    And scabs sounds scummy..

    Scummy mummy. Haha.
  20. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    scathing makes me think angry cat

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