
Discussion in 'Europe' started by wolf_at_door, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    I think you're right, Laksen. Your picture doesn't show Thor fucking a goat with one thousand eyes, as I suggested earlier. As you said, it's a stone, and I think it's Jellingestenen (see below). Come with your picture and let's compare them. :)

    ...but I'm not sure. Jellingestenen obviously show an early interpretative imagination of Jesus. It seems quite odd, why such a christian symbol is connected to a pagan god like Thor...


  2. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    hmm.. might be... I'll just post now to have something to look at

    I still can't see how you could make it out to be thor fucking a goat :rolleyes:
  3. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    I'd have to say, meh.. It's just a rock with a mark on it
  4. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    hmm... Yeah... I guess you're right. I was just thinking there were some similarities in the patterns... From where does your picture origin?
  5. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    I think I was stoned that day. I can't see it either now.
  6. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    ahaha, yeah you must've been
  7. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Don't 'throw salt in my wound'. It's no shame to be a little stoned, now and then, and to confound stones with goats, is it?. :D
  8. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    nah and standing for fucking, and funny shaped metal for eyes... It's totally normal, don't worry :rolleyes:
  9. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    yes, yes, yes... enough about me for this time. ;)
    What does "Wotan" mean? Is it a pagan word for "amen" or something like that?

  10. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    First of all, asatru is heathen not that neopagan bs...

    And no, wotan means odin... But why did you ask that :eek:
  11. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Okay... I will remember that heathen is different to neopagan. But I think I'm afraid of both, since I'm a pacifist - I run away when I see somebody fight. I'm a coward just like the old people lying sick in your lyric...
    ...But why should people die just because they're old cowards? I think it's unfair - honestly...

    love and understanding,
  12. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    I was just asking, because I would like to change the subject - I would like to talk about something different. :)

    KH Ulv.
  13. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    Well you know, those cowards that die of old age and such, go to hel... Hel is pretty much the same as the christian version of heaven, on the other hand if your a traitor you go to niflhel, wich is a scary place of unbelieveable torment... But as for me, I'm not very pacifistic :D I never start a fight, like laying the first punch, unless I have a very good reason... Like if I see you hitting a girl you better believe I'm laying the first punch and the last one too...
    But otherwise I try to be peaceful unless people attack me :D I mean, one's gotta adapt to this brave new... ummmm, whimpy new world :)

    And yeah, I think if you ask most wiccan, celtic, druids and sich will say they're pagan, but if you ask true asatru they'll all say heathen even if it's "officially" a neo pagan religion.
    But we don't considder ourselves just an other branch on the pagan tree, we've preserved the religion from ancient times, not changed it as much as the others have, not sayin that's a bad thing, I like all the pagan religions too...
    But we're a "plant" of our own, we worship the heathen gods!
  14. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    hehe, okay... I was actually just wondering where you'd heard it :D
  15. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Oh, I see - don't get paranoid about that. I've got no telepatic abilities or anything like that. :D -No, no, take it slow, bro... but you mentioned "Wotan" in a reply under my thread "Knight Errant", remember! ;)
  16. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    oh yeah so I did :D The song is called wotan
  17. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Well, maybe I'm talking bs when I say I'm a pacifist, because if I was standing in a corner, while surrounded by 5 psychopaths with knives that they would enjoy to torture me with for hours to death, while I'm standing with a gun... yes... I will shoot them all dead... It's self-defence. And I would probably do the same if I see any other innocent person in same situation, unless I'm having any chance to call for help.
    It's an extreme situation, but it's no excuse: i can't be 100% pacifist. Let me repeat myself then: idealism is dangerous. Idealism is escapism.

    I was reading your reply... I know that my reply is a bit out of line, but that was my immediate association according to the subject. :)

    kærlighed og forståelse,
    =ulv= :)

  18. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    ahaha, I really didn't notice anything out of line :rolleyes: It takes a serious lot to offend me

    Tho I can again point out a difference between us :D If I had a gun they'd never get to surround me, I'd pop their knee caps because it hurts like a bitch, then depending on the satuation I might stab them with their own knives, let them die of irony

    but no, idealism is good... I'm just working out from the point of my nature, wich is "counter mean with evil, kindness with love, challenges with stubbornness, if something bothers me get rid of it and always be nice to ladies :D" In other words, live honourable, never back down and always be nice till you get a reason to be otherwise... What a good reason is is up the individual...

    I say you're in control of your own life everyone should live by their own rules, like if you want to beat up girls and defenceless people, then I guess you must, but that doesn't mean that I respect it and won't kick your ass if I see it, cause that's how I am

    If you can't morally defend what you do or take the consequences of your actions, then go ahead... be a zombie, a slave

    I hope you know what I'm saying, and I hope it makes sense cause I'm really too tired to tell :D
  19. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    I have never been beating any person in my whole life, but I've been beaten up many times. I like to be able to see my face in the mirror every morning. I'm 30 year old now, and if I once smack somebody, I will have to look away when I'm supposed to see my face in the mirror. I've had blue marks all over my body every single day, and I received. My life was never in danger, but I've been beaten up 1000's of times in primary school. Sometimes I meet some of my old 'classmates', and I can't think revenge anylonger (my desire of revenge fade away year by year) - I can just laugh a bit at them, since they really look like hopeless rednecks with 'Baune'-haircuts, some of them with light stripes in their hair (a desperate try to look younger)... Jesus Christ...
    I'm so glad that I reached a higher level.


  20. lakshen

    lakshen Forn Siðr

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    I just can't stand by watching, I've even knocked down my best friend because he slapped his gf... Then afterwards I bought him a beer and he was sorry for slapping her

    But I don't rush to fight either, I've once beaten up three whimps on my own tho... It was kinda weird, they started yelling at me, but I was kinda drunk and I get very peaceful when I'm drunk... So I just walked on and laughed a bit with my girl, then they crossed the road, still yelling, so I told the girl to just go home, and I'd see what I could "work out"...
    I was like "look I really don't wanna fight", but then one of them hit me with his bike (???)... So I grabbed the bike and threw it away, wich got him a bit mad...
    But as I said I'm peaceful when I'm drunk so I tried just running away, but one of them followed so I turned around and kocked him down. Just that, I would never hit anyone that's on the ground... Then the others came and I had to defend myself, wich I'm pretty good at...

    I've never beaten up anyone in school tho, never seen any reason for it... Tho I kinda made a snowman of the "school bully" once because he tried to do the same to a girl :)

    And baune has awesome hair :rolleyes: Nah, I think long hair suits me

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