What are your thouhts on jeans and barefoot? How many women are there compared to men? It seems women don't talk about it.
jeans are alright for going out, i don't like to wear them around the house though. barefoot is great, and what i usually do as long as it is warm enough. jeans and barefoot together is rare for me, since if it's warm out i'm probably wearing shorts. as far as i know, there are approximately the same number of men and women worldwide, but it's hard to say for sure because both men and women don't really talk much about population and gender.
I've seen a few around the student campus in Manchester (UK) do so - mind you usually it;s April to September and not in Winter months
I like to go barefoot whenever possible, but as undies pointed out if it is warm enough for no shoes, than it is too warm for jeans.
I don’t like pants brushing the tops of my feet. Gotta roll them up, but then you look like a hillbilly. Oh well...